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Langroid: Knolwedge Graph RAG powered by Neo4j

"Chat" with various sources of information

LLMs are increasingly being used to let users converse in natural language with a variety of types of data sources:

  • unstructured text documents: a user's query is augmented with "relevant" documents or chunks (retrieved from an embedding-vector store) and fed to the LLM to generate a response -- this is the idea behind Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).
  • SQL Databases: An LLM translates a user's natural language question into an SQL query, which is then executed by another module, sending results to the LLM, so it can generate a natural language response based on the results.
  • Tabular datasets: similar to the SQL case, except instead of an SQL Query, the LLM generates a Pandas dataframe expression.

Langroid has had specialized Agents for the above scenarios: DocChatAgent for RAG with unstructured text documents, SQLChatAgent for SQL databases, and TableChatAgent for tabular datasets.

Adding support for Neo4j Knowledge Graphs

Analogous to the SQLChatAgent, Langroid now has a Neo4jChatAgent to interact with a Neo4j knowledge graph using natural language. This Agent has access to two key tools that enable it to handle a user's queries:

  • GraphSchemaTool to get the schema of a Neo4j knowledge graph.
  • CypherRetrievalTool to generate Cypher queries from a user's query. Cypher is a specialized query language for Neo4j, and even though it is not as widely known as SQL, most LLMs today can generate Cypher Queries.

Setting up a basic Neo4j-based RAG chatbot is straightforward. First ensure you set these environment variables (or provide them in a .env file):


Then you can configure and define a Neo4jChatAgent like this:

import langroid as lr
import langroid.language_models as lm

from langroid.agent.special.neo4j.neo4j_chat_agent import (

llm_config = lm.OpenAIGPTConfig()


neo4j_settings = Neo4jSettings()

kg_rag_agent_config = Neo4jChatAgentConfig(
kg_rag_agent = Neo4jChatAgent(kg_rag_agent_config)
kg_rag_task = lr.Task(kg_rag_agent, name="kg_RAG")

Example: PyPi Package Dependency Chatbot

In the Langroid-examples repository, there is an example python script showcasing tools/Function-calling + RAG using a DependencyGraphAgent derived from Neo4jChatAgent. This agent uses two tools, in addition to the tools available to Neo4jChatAgent:

  • GoogleSearchTool to find package version and type information, as well as to answer other web-based questions after acquiring the required information from the dependency graph.
  • DepGraphTool to construct a Neo4j knowledge-graph modeling the dependency structure for a specific package, using the API at DepsDev.

In response to a user's query about dependencies, the Agent decides whether to use a Cypher query or do a web search. Here is what it looks like in action:


Chatting with the `DependencyGraphAgent` (derived from Langroid's `Neo4jChatAgent`). When a user specifies a Python package name (in this case "chainlit"), the agent searches the web using `GoogleSearchTool` to find the version of the package, and then uses the `DepGraphTool` to construct the dependency graph as a neo4j knowledge graph. The agent then answers questions by generating Cypher queries to the knowledge graph, or by searching the web.

Language Models: Completion and Chat-Completion

Transformer-based language models are fundamentally next-token predictors, so naturally all LLM APIs today at least provide a completion endpoint. If an LLM is a next-token predictor, how could it possibly be used to generate a response to a question or instruction, or to engage in a conversation with a human user? This is where the idea of "chat-completion" comes in. This post is a refresher on the distinction between completion and chat-completion, and some interesting details on how chat-completion is implemented in practice.

Langroid: Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming

The LLM Opportunity

Given the remarkable abilities of recent Large Language Models (LLMs), there is an unprecedented opportunity to build intelligent applications powered by this transformative technology. The top question for any enterprise is: how best to harness the power of LLMs for complex applications? For technical and practical reasons, building LLM-powered applications is not as simple as throwing a task at an LLM-system and expecting it to do it.