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Lazy loading of modules or classes.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def __init__(self, import_path: str) -> None:
    self.import_path = import_path
    self._target = None
    self._is_target_loaded = False


Remove a directory recursively. Args: path (str): path to directory to remove Returns: True if a dir was removed, false otherwise. Raises error if failed to remove.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def rmdir(path: str) -> bool:
    Remove a directory recursively.
        path (str): path to directory to remove
        True if a dir was removed, false otherwise. Raises error if failed to remove.
    if not any([path.startswith(p) for p in DELETION_ALLOWED_PATHS]):
        raise ValueError(
        Removing Dir '{path}' not allowed. 
        Must start with one of {DELETION_ALLOWED_PATHS}
        This is a safety measure to prevent accidental deletion of files.
        If you are sure you want to delete this directory, please add it 
        to the `DELETION_ALLOWED_PATHS` list in langroid/utils/ and 
        re-run the command.

    except FileNotFoundError:
        logger.warning(f"Directory '{path}' does not exist. No action taken.")
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error while removing directory '{path}': {e}")
    return True


Who called the function?

Source code in langroid/utils/
def caller_name() -> str:
    Who called the function?
    frame = inspect.currentframe()
    if frame is None:
        return ""

    caller_frame = frame.f_back

    # If there's no caller frame, the function was called from the global scope
    if caller_frame is None:
        return ""

    return caller_frame.f_code.co_name


Generate a unique user ID based on the username and machine name. Returns:

Source code in langroid/utils/
def generate_user_id(org: str = "") -> str:
    Generate a unique user ID based on the username and machine name.
    # Get the username
    username = getpass.getuser()

    # Get the machine's name
    machine_name = socket.gethostname()

    org_pfx = f"{org}_" if org else ""

    # Create a consistent unique ID based on the username and machine name
    unique_string = f"{org_pfx}{username}@{machine_name}"

    # Generate a SHA-256 hash of the unique string
    user_id = hashlib.sha256(unique_string.encode()).hexdigest()

    return user_id

update_hash(hash=None, s='')

Takes a SHA256 hash string and a new string, updates the hash with the new string, and returns the updated hash string.


Name Type Description Default
hash str

A SHA256 hash string.

s str

A new string to update the hash with.



Type Description

The updated hash in hexadecimal format.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def update_hash(hash: str | None = None, s: str = "") -> str:
    Takes a SHA256 hash string and a new string, updates the hash with the new string,
    and returns the updated hash string.

        hash (str): A SHA256 hash string.
        s (str): A new string to update the hash with.

        The updated hash in hexadecimal format.
    # Create a new hash object if no hash is provided
    if hash is None:
        hash_obj = hashlib.sha256()
        # Convert the hexadecimal hash string to a byte object
        hash_bytes = bytes.fromhex(hash)
        hash_obj = hashlib.sha256(hash_bytes)

    # Update the hash with the new string

    # Return the updated hash in hexadecimal format and the original string
    return hash_obj.hexdigest()