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LangroidImportError(package=None, extra=None, error='', *args)

Bases: ImportError


Name Type Description Default
package str

The name of the package to import.

extra str

The name of the extras package required for this import.

error str

The error message to display. Depending on context, we can set this by capturing the ImportError message.

Source code in langroid/
def __init__(
    package: Optional[str] = None,
    extra: Optional[str] = None,
    error: str = "",
    *args: object,
) -> None:
    Generate helpful warning when attempting to import package or module.

        package (str): The name of the package to import.
        extra (str): The name of the extras package required for this import.
        error (str): The error message to display. Depending on context, we
            can set this by capturing the ImportError message.

    if error == "" and package is not None:
        error = f"{package} is not installed by default with Langroid.\n"

    if extra:
        install_help = f"""
            If you want to use it, please install langroid 
            with the `{extra}` extra, for example:

            If you are using pip:
            pip install "langroid[{extra}]"

            For multiple extras, you can separate them with commas:
            pip install "langroid[{extra},another-extra]"

            If you are using Poetry:
            poetry add langroid --extras "{extra}"

            For multiple extras with Poetry, list them with spaces:
            poetry add langroid --extras "{extra} another-extra"

            If you are working within the langroid dev env (which uses Poetry),
            you can do:
            poetry install -E "{extra}" 
            or if you want to include multiple extras:
            poetry install -E "{extra} another-extra"
        install_help = """
            If you want to use it, please install it in the same
            virtual environment as langroid.
    msg = error + install_help

    super().__init__(msg, *args)