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LanceQueryPlanAgent is a ChatAgent created with a specific document schema. Given a QUERY, the LLM constructs a Query Plan consisting of: - filter condition if needed (or empty string if no filter is needed) - query - a possibly rephrased query that can be used to match the content field - dataframe_calc - a Pandas-dataframe calculation/aggregation string, possibly empty - original_query - the original query for reference

This agent has access to two tools: - QueryPlanTool, which is used to generate the Query Plan, and the handler of this tool simply passes it on to the RAG agent named in config.doc_agent_name. - QueryPlanFeedbackTool, which is used to handle feedback on the Query Plan and Result from the RAG agent. The QueryPlanFeedbackTool is used by the QueryPlanCritic, who inserts feedback into the feedback field


Bases: ChatAgent

Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
def __init__(self, config: LanceQueryPlanAgentConfig):
    self.config: LanceQueryPlanAgentConfig = config
    self.curr_query_plan: QueryPlan | None = None
    # how many times re-trying query plan in response to feedback:
    self.n_retries: int = 0
    self.result: str = ""  # answer received from LanceRAG
    # This agent should generate the QueryPlanTool
    # as well as handle it for validation
    self.enable_message(QueryPlanTool, use=True, handle=True)
    self.enable_message(QueryPlanFeedbackTool, use=False, handle=True)


Valid, forward to RAG Agent

Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
def query_plan(self, msg: QueryPlanTool) -> str:
    """Valid, forward to RAG Agent"""
    # save, to be used to assemble QueryPlanResultTool
    if len(msg.plan.dataframe_calc.split("\n")) > 1:
        return "DATAFRAME CALCULATION must be a SINGLE LINE; Retry the `query_plan`"
    self.curr_query_plan = msg.plan
    return PASS_TO + self.config.doc_agent_name


Process Critic feedback on QueryPlan + Answer from RAG Agent

Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
def query_plan_feedback(self, msg: QueryPlanFeedbackTool) -> str:
    """Process Critic feedback on QueryPlan + Answer from RAG Agent"""
    # We should have saved answer in self.result by this time,
    # since this Agent seeks feedback only after receiving RAG answer.
    if msg.suggested_fix == "":
        self.n_retries = 0
        # This means the Query Plan or Result is good, as judged by Critic
        if self.result == "":
            # This was feedback for query with no result
            return "QUERY PLAN LOOKS GOOD!"
        elif self.result == NO_ANSWER:
            return NO_ANSWER
        else:  # non-empty and non-null answer
            return DONE + " " + self.result
    self.n_retries += 1
    if self.n_retries >= self.config.max_retries:
        # bail out to avoid infinite loop
        self.n_retries = 0
        return DONE + " " + NO_ANSWER
    return f"""
    here is FEEDBACK about your QUERY PLAN, and a SUGGESTED FIX.
    Modify the QUERY PLAN if needed:
    FEEDBACK: {}
    SUGGESTED FIX: {msg.suggested_fix}


Process answer received from RAG Agent

Construct a QueryPlanAnswerTool with the answer, and forward to Critic for feedback.

Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
def handle_message_fallback(
    self, msg: str | ChatDocument
) -> str | ChatDocument | None:
    Process answer received from RAG Agent:
     Construct a QueryPlanAnswerTool with the answer,
     and forward to Critic for feedback.
    # TODO we don't need to use this fallback method. instead we can
    # first call result = super().agent_response(), and if result is None,
    # then we know there was no tool, so we run below code
    if (
        isinstance(msg, ChatDocument)
        and self.curr_query_plan is not None
        and msg.metadata.parent is not None
        # save result, to be used in query_plan_feedback()
        self.result = msg.content
        # assemble QueryPlanAnswerTool...
        query_plan_answer_tool = QueryPlanAnswerTool(  # type: ignore
        response_tmpl = self.create_agent_response()
        # ... add the QueryPlanAnswerTool to the response
        # (Notice how the Agent is directly sending a tool, not the LLM)
        response_tmpl.tool_messages = [query_plan_answer_tool]
        # set the recipient to the Critic so it can give feedback
        response_tmpl.metadata.recipient = self.config.critic_name
        self.curr_query_plan = None  # reset
        return response_tmpl
    if (
        isinstance(msg, ChatDocument)
        and not self.has_tool_message_attempt(msg)
        and msg.metadata.sender == lr.Entity.LLM
        # remind LLM to use the QueryPlanFeedbackTool
        return """
        You forgot to use the `query_plan` tool/function.
        Re-try your response using the `query_plan` tool/function.
    return None