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Multi-Agent collaboration via Task Delegation

Why multiple agents?

Let's say we want to develop a complex LLM-based application, for example an application that reads a legal contract, extracts structured information, cross-checks it against some taxonomoy, gets some human input, and produces clear summaries. In theory it may be possible to solve this in a monolithic architecture using an LLM API and a vector-store. But this approach quickly runs into problems -- you would need to maintain multiple LLM conversation histories and states, multiple vector-store instances, and coordinate all of the interactions between them.

Langroid's ChatAgent and Task abstractions provide a natural and intuitive way to decompose a solution approach into multiple tasks, each requiring different skills and capabilities. Some of these tasks may need access to an LLM, others may need access to a vector-store, and yet others may need tools/plugins/function-calling capabilities, or any combination of these. It may also make sense to have some tasks that manage the overall solution process. From an architectural perspective, this type of modularity has numerous benefits:

  • Reusability: We can reuse the same agent/task in other contexts,
  • Scalability: We can scale up the solution by adding more agents/tasks,
  • Flexibility: We can easily change the solution by adding/removing agents/tasks.
  • Maintainability: We can maintain the solution by updating individual agents/tasks.
  • Testability: We can test/debug individual agents/tasks in isolation.
  • Composability: We can compose agents/tasks to create new agents/tasks.
  • Extensibility: We can extend the solution by adding new agents/tasks.
  • Interoperability: We can integrate the solution with other systems by adding new agents/tasks.
  • Security/Privacy: We can secure the solution by isolating sensitive agents/tasks.
  • Performance: We can improve performance by isolating performance-critical agents/tasks.

Task collaboration via sub-tasks

Langroid currently provides a mechanism for hierarchical (i.e. tree-structured) task delegation: a Task object can add other Task objects as sub-tasks, as shown in this pattern:

from langroid import ChatAgent, ChatAgentConfig, Task

main_agent = ChatAgent(ChatAgentConfig(...))
main_task = Task(main_agent, ...)

helper_agent1 = ChatAgent(ChatAgentConfig(...))
helper_agent2 = ChatAgent(ChatAgentConfig(...))
helper_task1 = Task(agent1, ...)
helper_task2 = Task(agent2, ...)

main_task.add_sub_task([helper_task1, helper_task2])

What happens when we call Recall from the previous section that works by repeatedly calling Task.step() until Task.done() is True. When the Task object has no sub-tasks, Task.step() simply tries to get a valid response from the Task's ChatAgent's "native" responders, in this sequence:

[self.agent_response, self.llm_response, self.user_response] #(1)!

  1. This is the default sequence in Langroid, but it can be changed by overriding ChatAgent.entity_responders()

When a Task object has subtasks, the sequence of responders tried by Task.step() consists of the above "native" responders, plus the sequence of calls on the sub-tasks, in the order in which they were added to the Task object. For the example above, this means that main_task.step() will seek a valid response in this sequence:

[self.agent_response, self.llm_response, self.user_response,,]
Fortunately, as noted in the previous section, has the same type signature as that of the ChatAgent's "native" responders, so this works seamlessly. Of course, each of the sub-tasks can have its own sub-tasks, and so on, recursively. One way to think of this type of task delegation is that main_task() "fails-over" to helper_task1() and helper_task2() when it cannot respond to the current pending_message on its own.

Or Else logic vs And Then logic

It is important to keep in mind how step() works: As each responder in the sequence is tried, when there is a valid response, the next call to step() restarts its search at the beginning of the sequence (with the only exception being that the human User is given a chance to respond after each non-human response). In this sense, the semantics of the responder sequence is similar to OR Else logic, as opposed to AND Then logic.

If we want to have a sequence of sub-tasks that is more like AND Then logic, we can achieve this by recursively adding subtasks. In the above example suppose we wanted the main_task to trigger helper_task1 and helper_task2 in sequence, then we could set it up like this:

helper_task1.add_sub_task(helper_task2) #(1)!
  1. When adding a single sub-task, we do not need to wrap it in a list.

Next steps

In the next section we will see how this mechanism can be used to set up a simple collaboration between two agents.