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has_field(model_class, field_name)

Check if a Pydantic model class has a field with the given name.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def has_field(model_class: Type[BaseModel], field_name: str) -> bool:
    """Check if a Pydantic model class has a field with the given name."""
    return field_name in model_class.__fields__

flatten_pydantic_model(model, base_model=BaseModel)

Given a possibly nested Pydantic class, return a flattened version of it, by constructing top-level fields, whose names are formed from the path through the nested structure, separated by double underscores.


Name Type Description Default
model Type[BaseModel]

The Pydantic model to flatten.

base_model Type[BaseModel]

The base model to use for the flattened model. Defaults to BaseModel.



Type Description

Type[BaseModel]: The flattened Pydantic model.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def flatten_pydantic_model(
    model: Type[BaseModel],
    base_model: Type[BaseModel] = BaseModel,
) -> Type[BaseModel]:
    Given a possibly nested Pydantic class, return a flattened version of it,
    by constructing top-level fields, whose names are formed from the path
    through the nested structure, separated by double underscores.

        model (Type[BaseModel]): The Pydantic model to flatten.
        base_model (Type[BaseModel], optional): The base model to use for the
            flattened model. Defaults to BaseModel.

        Type[BaseModel]: The flattened Pydantic model.

    flattened_fields: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    models_to_process = [(model, "")]

    while models_to_process:
        current_model, current_prefix = models_to_process.pop()

        for name, field in current_model.__fields__.items():
            if isinstance(field.outer_type_, type) and issubclass(
                field.outer_type_, BaseModel
                new_prefix = (
                    f"{current_prefix}{name}__" if current_prefix else f"{name}__"
                models_to_process.append((field.outer_type_, new_prefix))
                flattened_name = f"{current_prefix}{name}"

                if field.default_factory is not field.default_factory:
                    flattened_fields[flattened_name] = (
                elif field.default is not field.default:
                    flattened_fields[flattened_name] = (
                    flattened_fields[flattened_name] = (field.outer_type_, ...)

    return create_model("FlatModel", __base__=base_model, **flattened_fields)


Get all field names from a possibly nested Pydantic model.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def get_field_names(model: Type[BaseModel]) -> List[str]:
    """Get all field names from a possibly nested Pydantic model."""
    mdl = flatten_pydantic_model(model)
    fields = list(mdl.__fields__.keys())
    # fields may be like a__b__c , so we only want the last part
    return [f.split("__")[-1] for f in fields]

generate_simple_schema(model, exclude=[])

Generates a JSON schema for a Pydantic model, with options to exclude specific fields.

This function traverses the Pydantic model's fields, including nested models, to generate a dictionary representing the JSON schema. Fields specified in the exclude list will not be included in the generated schema.


Name Type Description Default
model Type[BaseModel]

The Pydantic model class to generate the schema for.

exclude List[str]

A list of string field names to be excluded from the generated schema. Defaults to an empty list.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the JSON schema of the provided model, with specified fields excluded.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def generate_simple_schema(
    model: Type[BaseModel], exclude: List[str] = []
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Generates a JSON schema for a Pydantic model,
    with options to exclude specific fields.

    This function traverses the Pydantic model's fields, including nested models,
    to generate a dictionary representing the JSON schema. Fields specified in
    the exclude list will not be included in the generated schema.

        model (Type[BaseModel]): The Pydantic model class to generate the schema for.
        exclude (List[str]): A list of string field names to be excluded from the
                             generated schema. Defaults to an empty list.

        Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the JSON schema of the provided model,
                        with specified fields excluded.
    if hasattr(model, "__fields__"):
        output: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        for field_name, field in model.__fields__.items():
            if field_name in exclude:
                continue  # Skip excluded fields

            field_type = field.type_
            if issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
                # Recursively generate schema for nested models
                output[field_name] = generate_simple_schema(field_type, exclude)
                # Represent the type as a string here
                output[field_name] = {"type": field_type.__name__}
        return output
        # Non-model type, return a simplified representation
        return {"type": model.__name__}

flatten_pydantic_instance(instance, prefix='', force_str=False)

Given a possibly nested Pydantic instance, return a flattened version of it, as a dict where nested traversal paths are translated to keys a__b__c.


Name Type Description Default
instance BaseModel

The Pydantic instance to flatten.

prefix str

The prefix to use for the top-level fields.

force_str bool

Whether to force all values to be strings.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: The flattened dict.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def flatten_pydantic_instance(
    instance: BaseModel,
    prefix: str = "",
    force_str: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Given a possibly nested Pydantic instance, return a flattened version of it,
    as a dict where nested traversal paths are translated to keys a__b__c.

        instance (BaseModel): The Pydantic instance to flatten.
        prefix (str, optional): The prefix to use for the top-level fields.
        force_str (bool, optional): Whether to force all values to be strings.

        Dict[str, Any]: The flattened dict.

    flat_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    for name, value in instance.dict().items():
        # Assuming nested pydantic model will be a dict here
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            nested_flat_data = flatten_pydantic_instance(
            flat_data[f"{prefix}{name}"] = str(value) if force_str else value
    return flat_data

extract_fields(doc, fields)

Extract specified fields from a Pydantic object. Supports dotted field names, e.g. "". Dotted fields are matched exactly according to the corresponding path. Non-dotted fields are matched against the last part of the path. Clashes ignored. Args: doc (BaseModel): The Pydantic object. fields (List[str]): The list of fields to extract.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary of field names and values.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def extract_fields(doc: BaseModel, fields: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Extract specified fields from a Pydantic object.
    Supports dotted field names, e.g. "".
    Dotted fields are matched exactly according to the corresponding path.
    Non-dotted fields are matched against the last part of the path.
    Clashes ignored.
        doc (BaseModel): The Pydantic object.
        fields (List[str]): The list of fields to extract.

        Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary of field names and values.


    def get_value(obj: BaseModel, path: str) -> Any | None:
        for part in path.split("."):
            if hasattr(obj, part):
                obj = getattr(obj, part)
                return None
        return obj

    def traverse(obj: BaseModel, result: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str = "") -> None:
        for k, v in obj.__dict__.items():
            key = f"{prefix}.{k}" if prefix else k
            if isinstance(v, BaseModel):
                traverse(v, result, key)
                result[key] = v

    result: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    # Extract values for dotted field names and use last part as key
    for field in fields:
        if "." in field:
            value = get_value(doc, field)
            if value is not None:
                key = field.split(".")[-1]
                result[key] = value

    # Traverse the object to get non-dotted fields
    all_fields: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    traverse(doc, all_fields)

    # Add non-dotted fields to the result,
    # avoid overwriting if already present from dotted names
    for field in [f for f in fields if "." not in f]:
        for key, value in all_fields.items():
            if key.split(".")[-1] == field and field not in result:
                result[field] = value

    return result

nested_dict_from_flat(flat_data, sub_dict='')

Given a flattened version of a nested dict, reconstruct the nested dict. Field names in the flattened dict are assumed to be of the form "field1__field2__field3", going from top level down.


Name Type Description Default
flat_data Dict[str, Any]

The flattened dict.

sub_dict str

The name of the sub-dict to extract from the flattened dict. Defaults to "" (extract the whole dict).



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: The nested dict.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def nested_dict_from_flat(
    flat_data: Dict[str, Any],
    sub_dict: str = "",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Given a flattened version of a nested dict, reconstruct the nested dict.
    Field names in the flattened dict are assumed to be of the form
    "field1__field2__field3", going from top level down.

        flat_data (Dict[str, Any]): The flattened dict.
        sub_dict (str, optional): The name of the sub-dict to extract from the
            flattened dict. Defaults to "" (extract the whole dict).

        Dict[str, Any]: The nested dict.

    nested_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    for key, value in flat_data.items():
        if sub_dict != "" and not key.startswith(sub_dict + "__"):
        keys = key.split("__")
        d = nested_data
        for k in keys[:-1]:
            d = d.setdefault(k, {})
        d[keys[-1]] = value
    if sub_dict != "":  # e.g. "payload"
        nested_data = nested_data[sub_dict]
    return nested_data

pydantic_obj_from_flat_dict(flat_data, model, sub_dict='')

Flattened dict with a__b__c style keys -> nested dict -> pydantic object

Source code in langroid/utils/
def pydantic_obj_from_flat_dict(
    flat_data: Dict[str, Any],
    model: Type[BaseModel],
    sub_dict: str = "",
) -> BaseModel:
    """Flattened dict with a__b__c style keys -> nested dict -> pydantic object"""
    nested_data = nested_dict_from_flat(flat_data, sub_dict)
    return model(**nested_data)

temp_params(config, field, temp)

Context manager to temporarily override field in a config

Source code in langroid/utils/
def temp_params(config: T, field: str, temp: T) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    """Context manager to temporarily override `field` in a `config`"""
    original_vals = getattr(config, field)
        # Apply temporary settings
        setattr(config, field, temp)
        # Revert to original settings
        setattr(config, field, original_vals)


Converts a numpy data type to its Python equivalent.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def numpy_to_python_type(numpy_type: Type[Any]) -> Type[Any]:
    """Converts a numpy data type to its Python equivalent."""
    type_mapping = {
        np.float64: float,
        np.float32: float,
        np.int64: int,
        np.int32: int,
        np.bool_: bool,
        # Add other numpy types as necessary
    return type_mapping.get(numpy_type, numpy_type)


Make a Pydantic model from a dataframe.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_pydantic_model(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Type[BaseModel]:
    """Make a Pydantic model from a dataframe."""
    fields = {col: (type(df[col].iloc[0]), ...) for col in df.columns}
    return create_model("DataFrameModel", __base__=BaseModel, **fields)  # type: ignore


Make a list of Pydantic objects from a dataframe.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_pydantic_objects(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[BaseModel]:
    """Make a list of Pydantic objects from a dataframe."""
    Model = dataframe_to_pydantic_model(df)
    return [Model(**row.to_dict()) for index, row in df.iterrows()]


Find the first non-null item in a pandas Series.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def first_non_null(series: pd.Series) -> Any | None:
    """Find the first non-null item in a pandas Series."""
    for item in series:
        if item is not None:
            return item
    return None

dataframe_to_document_model(df, content='content', metadata=[], exclude=[])

Make a subclass of Document from a dataframe.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

The dataframe.

content str

The name of the column containing the content, which will map to the Document.content field.

metadata List[str]

A list of column names containing metadata; these will be included in the Document.metadata field.

exclude List[str]

A list of column names to exclude from the model. (e.g. "vector" when lance is used to add an embedding vector to the df)



Type Description

Type[BaseModel]: A pydantic model subclassing Document.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_document_model(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    content: str = "content",
    metadata: List[str] = [],
    exclude: List[str] = [],
) -> Type[BaseModel]:
    Make a subclass of Document from a dataframe.

        df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe.
        content (str): The name of the column containing the content,
            which will map to the Document.content field.
        metadata (List[str]): A list of column names containing metadata;
            these will be included in the Document.metadata field.
        exclude (List[str]): A list of column names to exclude from the model.
            (e.g. "vector" when lance is used to add an embedding vector to the df)

        Type[BaseModel]: A pydantic model subclassing Document.

    # Remove excluded columns
    df = df.drop(columns=exclude, inplace=False)
    # Check if metadata_cols is empty

    if metadata:
        # Define fields for the dynamic subclass of DocMetaData
        metadata_fields = {
            col: (
                None,  # Optional[numpy_to_python_type(type(first_non_null(df[col])))],
            for col in metadata
        DynamicMetaData = create_model(  # type: ignore
            "DynamicMetaData", __base__=DocMetaData, **metadata_fields
        # Use the base DocMetaData class directly
        DynamicMetaData = DocMetaData

    # Define additional top-level fields for DynamicDocument
    additional_fields = {
        col: (
            None,  # Optional[numpy_to_python_type(type(first_non_null(df[col])))],
        for col in df.columns
        if col not in metadata and col != content

    # Create a dynamic subclass of Document
    DynamicDocumentFields = {
        **{"metadata": (DynamicMetaData, ...)},
    DynamicDocument = create_model(  # type: ignore
        "DynamicDocument", __base__=Document, **DynamicDocumentFields

    def from_df_row(
        cls: type[BaseModel],
        row: pd.Series,
        content: str = "content",
        metadata: List[str] = [],
    ) -> BaseModel | None:
        content_val = row[content] if (content and content in row) else ""
        metadata_values = (
            {col: row[col] for col in metadata if col in row} if metadata else {}
        additional_values = {
            col: row[col] for col in additional_fields if col in row and col != content
        metadata = DynamicMetaData(**metadata_values)
        return cls(content=content_val, metadata=metadata, **additional_values)

    # Bind the method to the class
    DynamicDocument.from_df_row = classmethod(from_df_row)

    return DynamicDocument  # type: ignore

dataframe_to_documents(df, content='content', metadata=[], doc_cls=None)

Make a list of Document objects from a dataframe. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe. content (str): The name of the column containing the content, which will map to the Document.content field. metadata (List[str]): A list of column names containing metadata; these will be included in the Document.metadata field. doc_cls (Type[BaseModel], optional): A Pydantic model subclassing Document. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Document]: The list of Document objects.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_documents(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    content: str = "content",
    metadata: List[str] = [],
    doc_cls: Type[BaseModel] | None = None,
) -> List[Document]:
    Make a list of Document objects from a dataframe.
        df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe.
        content (str): The name of the column containing the content,
            which will map to the Document.content field.
        metadata (List[str]): A list of column names containing metadata;
            these will be included in the Document.metadata field.
        doc_cls (Type[BaseModel], optional): A Pydantic model subclassing
            Document. Defaults to None.
        List[Document]: The list of Document objects.
    Model = doc_cls or dataframe_to_document_model(df, content, metadata)
    docs = [
        Model.from_df_row(row, content, metadata)  # type: ignore
        for _, row in df.iterrows()
    return [m for m in docs if m is not None]

extra_metadata(document, doc_cls=Document)

Checks for extra fields in a document's metadata that are not defined in the original metadata schema.


Name Type Description Default
document Document

The document instance to check for extra fields.

doc_cls Type[Document]

The class type derived from Document, used as a reference to identify extra fields in the document's metadata.



Type Description

List[str]: A list of strings representing the keys of the extra fields found


in the document's metadata.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def extra_metadata(document: Document, doc_cls: Type[Document] = Document) -> List[str]:
    Checks for extra fields in a document's metadata that are not defined in the
    original metadata schema.

        document (Document): The document instance to check for extra fields.
        doc_cls (Type[Document]): The class type derived from Document, used
            as a reference to identify extra fields in the document's metadata.

        List[str]: A list of strings representing the keys of the extra fields found
        in the document's metadata.
    # Convert metadata to dict, including extra fields.
    metadata_fields = set(document.metadata.dict().keys())

    # Get defined fields in the metadata of doc_cls
    defined_fields = set(doc_cls.__fields__["metadata"].type_.__fields__.keys())

    # Identify extra fields not in defined fields.
    extra_fields = list(metadata_fields - defined_fields)

    return extra_fields


Generates a new pydantic class based on a given document instance.

This function dynamically creates a new pydantic class with additional fields based on the "extra" metadata fields present in the given document instance. The new class is a subclass of the original Document class, with the original metadata fields retained and extra fields added as normal fields to the metadata.


Name Type Description Default
d Document

An instance of the Document class.



Type Description

A new subclass of the Document class that includes the additional fields


found in the metadata of the given document instance.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def extend_document_class(d: Document) -> Type[Document]:
    """Generates a new pydantic class based on a given document instance.

    This function dynamically creates a new pydantic class with additional
    fields based on the "extra" metadata fields present in the given document
    instance. The new class is a subclass of the original Document class, with
    the original metadata fields retained and extra fields added as normal
    fields to the metadata.

        d: An instance of the Document class.

        A new subclass of the Document class that includes the additional fields
        found in the metadata of the given document instance.
    # Extract the fields from the original metadata class, including types,
    # correctly handling special types like List[str].
    original_metadata_fields = {
        k: (v.outer_type_ if v.shape != 1 else v.type_, ...)
        for k, v in DocMetaData.__fields__.items()
    # Extract extra fields from the metadata instance with their types
    extra_fields = {
        k: (type(v), ...)
        for k, v in d.metadata.__dict__.items()
        if k not in DocMetaData.__fields__

    # Combine original and extra fields for the new metadata class
    combined_fields = {**original_metadata_fields, **extra_fields}

    # Create a new metadata class with combined fields
    NewMetadataClass = create_model(  # type: ignore
        "ExtendedDocMetadata", **combined_fields, __base__=DocMetaData
    # NewMetadataClass.__config__.arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    # Create a new document class using the new metadata class
    NewDocumentClass = create_model(
        content=(str, ...),
        metadata=(NewMetadataClass, ...),

    return NewDocumentClass