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has_field(model_class, field_name)

Check if a Pydantic model class has a field with the given name.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def has_field(model_class: Type[BaseModel], field_name: str) -> bool:
    """Check if a Pydantic model class has a field with the given name."""
    return field_name in model_class.__fields__

flatten_pydantic_model(model, base_model=BaseModel)

Given a possibly nested Pydantic class, return a flattened version of it, by constructing top-level fields, whose names are formed from the path through the nested structure, separated by double underscores.


Name Type Description Default
model Type[BaseModel]

The Pydantic model to flatten.

base_model Type[BaseModel]

The base model to use for the flattened model. Defaults to BaseModel.



Type Description

Type[BaseModel]: The flattened Pydantic model.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def flatten_pydantic_model(
    model: Type[BaseModel],
    base_model: Type[BaseModel] = BaseModel,
) -> Type[BaseModel]:
    Given a possibly nested Pydantic class, return a flattened version of it,
    by constructing top-level fields, whose names are formed from the path
    through the nested structure, separated by double underscores.

        model (Type[BaseModel]): The Pydantic model to flatten.
        base_model (Type[BaseModel], optional): The base model to use for the
            flattened model. Defaults to BaseModel.

        Type[BaseModel]: The flattened Pydantic model.

    flattened_fields: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    models_to_process = [(model, "")]

    while models_to_process:
        current_model, current_prefix = models_to_process.pop()

        for name, field in current_model.__fields__.items():
            if isinstance(field.outer_type_, type) and issubclass(
                field.outer_type_, BaseModel
                new_prefix = (
                    f"{current_prefix}{name}__" if current_prefix else f"{name}__"
                models_to_process.append((field.outer_type_, new_prefix))
                flattened_name = f"{current_prefix}{name}"

                if field.default_factory is not field.default_factory:
                    flattened_fields[flattened_name] = (
                elif field.default is not field.default:
                    flattened_fields[flattened_name] = (
                    flattened_fields[flattened_name] = (field.outer_type_, ...)

    return create_model("FlatModel", __base__=base_model, **flattened_fields)


Get all field names from a possibly nested Pydantic model.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def get_field_names(model: Type[BaseModel]) -> List[str]:
    """Get all field names from a possibly nested Pydantic model."""
    mdl = flatten_pydantic_model(model)
    fields = list(mdl.__fields__.keys())
    # fields may be like a__b__c , so we only want the last part
    return [f.split("__")[-1] for f in fields]

generate_simple_schema(model, exclude=[])

Generates a JSON schema for a Pydantic model, with options to exclude specific fields.

This function traverses the Pydantic model's fields, including nested models, to generate a dictionary representing the JSON schema. Fields specified in the exclude list will not be included in the generated schema.


Name Type Description Default
model Type[BaseModel]

The Pydantic model class to generate the schema for.

exclude List[str]

A list of string field names to be excluded from the generated schema. Defaults to an empty list.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the JSON schema of the provided model, with specified fields excluded.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def generate_simple_schema(
    model: Type[BaseModel], exclude: List[str] = []
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Generates a JSON schema for a Pydantic model,
    with options to exclude specific fields.

    This function traverses the Pydantic model's fields, including nested models,
    to generate a dictionary representing the JSON schema. Fields specified in
    the exclude list will not be included in the generated schema.

        model (Type[BaseModel]): The Pydantic model class to generate the schema for.
        exclude (List[str]): A list of string field names to be excluded from the
                             generated schema. Defaults to an empty list.

        Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the JSON schema of the provided model,
                        with specified fields excluded.
    if hasattr(model, "__fields__"):
        output: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        for field_name, field in model.__fields__.items():
            if field_name in exclude:
                continue  # Skip excluded fields

            field_type = field.type_
            if issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
                # Recursively generate schema for nested models
                output[field_name] = generate_simple_schema(field_type, exclude)
                # Represent the type as a string here
                output[field_name] = {"type": field_type.__name__}
        return output
        # Non-model type, return a simplified representation
        return {"type": model.__name__}

flatten_pydantic_instance(instance, prefix='', force_str=False)

Given a possibly nested Pydantic instance, return a flattened version of it, as a dict where nested traversal paths are translated to keys a__b__c.


Name Type Description Default
instance BaseModel

The Pydantic instance to flatten.

prefix str

The prefix to use for the top-level fields.

force_str bool

Whether to force all values to be strings.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: The flattened dict.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def flatten_pydantic_instance(
    instance: BaseModel,
    prefix: str = "",
    force_str: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Given a possibly nested Pydantic instance, return a flattened version of it,
    as a dict where nested traversal paths are translated to keys a__b__c.

        instance (BaseModel): The Pydantic instance to flatten.
        prefix (str, optional): The prefix to use for the top-level fields.
        force_str (bool, optional): Whether to force all values to be strings.

        Dict[str, Any]: The flattened dict.

    flat_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    for name, value in instance.dict().items():
        # Assuming nested pydantic model will be a dict here
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            nested_flat_data = flatten_pydantic_instance(
            flat_data[f"{prefix}{name}"] = str(value) if force_str else value
    return flat_data

extract_fields(doc, fields)

Extract specified fields from a Pydantic object. Supports dotted field names, e.g. "". Dotted fields are matched exactly according to the corresponding path. Non-dotted fields are matched against the last part of the path. Clashes ignored. Args: doc (BaseModel): The Pydantic object. fields (List[str]): The list of fields to extract.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary of field names and values.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def extract_fields(doc: BaseModel, fields: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Extract specified fields from a Pydantic object.
    Supports dotted field names, e.g. "".
    Dotted fields are matched exactly according to the corresponding path.
    Non-dotted fields are matched against the last part of the path.
    Clashes ignored.
        doc (BaseModel): The Pydantic object.
        fields (List[str]): The list of fields to extract.

        Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary of field names and values.


    def get_value(obj: BaseModel, path: str) -> Any | None:
        for part in path.split("."):
            if hasattr(obj, part):
                obj = getattr(obj, part)
                return None
        return obj

    def traverse(obj: BaseModel, result: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str = "") -> None:
        for k, v in obj.__dict__.items():
            key = f"{prefix}.{k}" if prefix else k
            if isinstance(v, BaseModel):
                traverse(v, result, key)
                result[key] = v

    result: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    # Extract values for dotted field names and use last part as key
    for field in fields:
        if "." in field:
            value = get_value(doc, field)
            if value is not None:
                key = field.split(".")[-1]
                result[key] = value

    # Traverse the object to get non-dotted fields
    all_fields: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    traverse(doc, all_fields)

    # Add non-dotted fields to the result,
    # avoid overwriting if already present from dotted names
    for field in [f for f in fields if "." not in f]:
        for key, value in all_fields.items():
            if key.split(".")[-1] == field and field not in result:
                result[field] = value

    return result

nested_dict_from_flat(flat_data, sub_dict='')

Given a flattened version of a nested dict, reconstruct the nested dict. Field names in the flattened dict are assumed to be of the form "field1__field2__field3", going from top level down.


Name Type Description Default
flat_data Dict[str, Any]

The flattened dict.

sub_dict str

The name of the sub-dict to extract from the flattened dict. Defaults to "" (extract the whole dict).



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: The nested dict.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def nested_dict_from_flat(
    flat_data: Dict[str, Any],
    sub_dict: str = "",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Given a flattened version of a nested dict, reconstruct the nested dict.
    Field names in the flattened dict are assumed to be of the form
    "field1__field2__field3", going from top level down.

        flat_data (Dict[str, Any]): The flattened dict.
        sub_dict (str, optional): The name of the sub-dict to extract from the
            flattened dict. Defaults to "" (extract the whole dict).

        Dict[str, Any]: The nested dict.

    nested_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    for key, value in flat_data.items():
        if sub_dict != "" and not key.startswith(sub_dict + "__"):
        keys = key.split("__")
        d = nested_data
        for k in keys[:-1]:
            d = d.setdefault(k, {})
        d[keys[-1]] = value
    if sub_dict != "":  # e.g. "payload"
        nested_data = nested_data[sub_dict]
    return nested_data

pydantic_obj_from_flat_dict(flat_data, model, sub_dict='')

Flattened dict with a__b__c style keys -> nested dict -> pydantic object

Source code in langroid/utils/
def pydantic_obj_from_flat_dict(
    flat_data: Dict[str, Any],
    model: Type[BaseModel],
    sub_dict: str = "",
) -> BaseModel:
    """Flattened dict with a__b__c style keys -> nested dict -> pydantic object"""
    nested_data = nested_dict_from_flat(flat_data, sub_dict)
    return model(**nested_data)

clean_schema(model, excludes=[])

Generate a simple schema for a given Pydantic model, including inherited fields, with an option to exclude certain fields. Handles cases where fields are Lists or other generic types and includes field descriptions if available.


Name Type Description Default
model Type[BaseModel]

The Pydantic model class.

excludes List[str]

A list of field names to exclude.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the simple schema.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def clean_schema(model: Type[BaseModel], excludes: List[str] = []) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Generate a simple schema for a given Pydantic model,
    including inherited fields, with an option to exclude certain fields.
    Handles cases where fields are Lists or other generic types and includes
    field descriptions if available.

        model (Type[BaseModel]): The Pydantic model class.
        excludes (List[str]): A list of field names to exclude.

        Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary representing the simple schema.
    schema = {}

    for field_name, field_info in model.__fields__.items():
        if field_name in excludes:

        field_type = field_info.outer_type_
        description = field_info.field_info.description or ""

        # Handle generic types like List[...]
        if get_origin(field_type):
            inner_types = get_args(field_type)
            inner_type_names = [
                t.__name__ if hasattr(t, "__name__") else str(t) for t in inner_types
            field_type_str = (
                f"{get_origin(field_type).__name__}" f'[{", ".join(inner_type_names)}]'
            schema[field_name] = {"type": field_type_str, "description": description}
        elif issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
            # Directly use the nested model's schema,
            # integrating it into the current level
            nested_schema = clean_schema(field_type, excludes)
            schema[field_name] = {**nested_schema, "description": description}
            # For basic types, use 'type'
            schema[field_name] = {
                "type": field_type.__name__,
                "description": description,

    return schema

temp_params(config, field, temp)

Context manager to temporarily override field in a config

Source code in langroid/utils/
def temp_params(config: T, field: str, temp: T) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    """Context manager to temporarily override `field` in a `config`"""
    original_vals = getattr(config, field)
        # Apply temporary settings
        setattr(config, field, temp)
        # Revert to original settings
        setattr(config, field, original_vals)


Converts a numpy data type to its Python equivalent.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def numpy_to_python_type(numpy_type: Type[Any]) -> Type[Any]:
    """Converts a numpy data type to its Python equivalent."""
    type_mapping = {
        np.float64: float,
        np.float32: float,
        np.int64: int,
        np.int32: int,
        np.bool_: bool,
        # Add other numpy types as necessary
    return type_mapping.get(numpy_type, numpy_type)


Make a Pydantic model from a dataframe.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_pydantic_model(df: pd.DataFrame) -> Type[BaseModel]:
    """Make a Pydantic model from a dataframe."""
    fields = {col: (type(df[col].iloc[0]), ...) for col in df.columns}
    return create_model("DataFrameModel", __base__=BaseModel, **fields)  # type: ignore


Make a list of Pydantic objects from a dataframe.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_pydantic_objects(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[BaseModel]:
    """Make a list of Pydantic objects from a dataframe."""
    Model = dataframe_to_pydantic_model(df)
    return [Model(**row.to_dict()) for index, row in df.iterrows()]


Find the first non-null item in a pandas Series.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def first_non_null(series: pd.Series) -> Any | None:
    """Find the first non-null item in a pandas Series."""
    for item in series:
        if item is not None:
            return item
    return None

dataframe_to_document_model(df, content='content', metadata=[], exclude=[])

Make a subclass of Document from a dataframe.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

The dataframe.

content str

The name of the column containing the content, which will map to the Document.content field.

metadata List[str]

A list of column names containing metadata; these will be included in the Document.metadata field.

exclude List[str]

A list of column names to exclude from the model. (e.g. "vector" when lance is used to add an embedding vector to the df)



Type Description

Type[BaseModel]: A pydantic model subclassing Document.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_document_model(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    content: str = "content",
    metadata: List[str] = [],
    exclude: List[str] = [],
) -> Type[BaseModel]:
    Make a subclass of Document from a dataframe.

        df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe.
        content (str): The name of the column containing the content,
            which will map to the Document.content field.
        metadata (List[str]): A list of column names containing metadata;
            these will be included in the Document.metadata field.
        exclude (List[str]): A list of column names to exclude from the model.
            (e.g. "vector" when lance is used to add an embedding vector to the df)

        Type[BaseModel]: A pydantic model subclassing Document.

    # Remove excluded columns
    df = df.drop(columns=exclude, inplace=False)
    # Check if metadata_cols is empty

    if metadata:
        # Define fields for the dynamic subclass of DocMetaData
        metadata_fields = {
            col: (
                None,  # Optional[numpy_to_python_type(type(first_non_null(df[col])))],
            for col in metadata
        DynamicMetaData = create_model(  # type: ignore
            "DynamicMetaData", __base__=DocMetaData, **metadata_fields
        # Use the base DocMetaData class directly
        DynamicMetaData = DocMetaData

    # Define additional top-level fields for DynamicDocument
    additional_fields = {
        col: (
            None,  # Optional[numpy_to_python_type(type(first_non_null(df[col])))],
        for col in df.columns
        if col not in metadata and col != content

    # Create a dynamic subclass of Document
    DynamicDocumentFields = {
        **{"metadata": (DynamicMetaData, ...)},
    DynamicDocument = create_model(  # type: ignore
        "DynamicDocument", __base__=Document, **DynamicDocumentFields

    def from_df_row(
        cls: type[BaseModel],
        row: pd.Series,
        content: str = "content",
        metadata: List[str] = [],
    ) -> BaseModel | None:
        content_val = row[content] if (content and content in row) else ""
        metadata_values = (
            {col: row[col] for col in metadata if col in row} if metadata else {}
        additional_values = {
            col: row[col] for col in additional_fields if col in row and col != content
        metadata = DynamicMetaData(**metadata_values)
        return cls(content=content_val, metadata=metadata, **additional_values)

    # Bind the method to the class
    DynamicDocument.from_df_row = classmethod(from_df_row)

    return DynamicDocument  # type: ignore

dataframe_to_documents(df, content='content', metadata=[], doc_cls=None)

Make a list of Document objects from a dataframe. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe. content (str): The name of the column containing the content, which will map to the Document.content field. metadata (List[str]): A list of column names containing metadata; these will be included in the Document.metadata field. doc_cls (Type[BaseModel], optional): A Pydantic model subclassing Document. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Document]: The list of Document objects.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def dataframe_to_documents(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    content: str = "content",
    metadata: List[str] = [],
    doc_cls: Type[BaseModel] | None = None,
) -> List[Document]:
    Make a list of Document objects from a dataframe.
        df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe.
        content (str): The name of the column containing the content,
            which will map to the Document.content field.
        metadata (List[str]): A list of column names containing metadata;
            these will be included in the Document.metadata field.
        doc_cls (Type[BaseModel], optional): A Pydantic model subclassing
            Document. Defaults to None.
        List[Document]: The list of Document objects.
    Model = doc_cls or dataframe_to_document_model(df, content, metadata)
    docs = [
        Model.from_df_row(row, content, metadata)  # type: ignore
        for _, row in df.iterrows()
    return [m for m in docs if m is not None]

extra_metadata(document, doc_cls=Document)

Checks for extra fields in a document's metadata that are not defined in the original metadata schema.


Name Type Description Default
document Document

The document instance to check for extra fields.

doc_cls Type[Document]

The class type derived from Document, used as a reference to identify extra fields in the document's metadata.



Type Description

List[str]: A list of strings representing the keys of the extra fields found


in the document's metadata.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def extra_metadata(document: Document, doc_cls: Type[Document] = Document) -> List[str]:
    Checks for extra fields in a document's metadata that are not defined in the
    original metadata schema.

        document (Document): The document instance to check for extra fields.
        doc_cls (Type[Document]): The class type derived from Document, used
            as a reference to identify extra fields in the document's metadata.

        List[str]: A list of strings representing the keys of the extra fields found
        in the document's metadata.
    # Convert metadata to dict, including extra fields.
    metadata_fields = set(document.metadata.dict().keys())

    # Get defined fields in the metadata of doc_cls
    defined_fields = set(doc_cls.__fields__["metadata"].type_.__fields__.keys())

    # Identify extra fields not in defined fields.
    extra_fields = list(metadata_fields - defined_fields)

    return extra_fields


Generates a new pydantic class based on a given document instance.

This function dynamically creates a new pydantic class with additional fields based on the "extra" metadata fields present in the given document instance. The new class is a subclass of the original Document class, with the original metadata fields retained and extra fields added as normal fields to the metadata.


Name Type Description Default
d Document

An instance of the Document class.



Type Description

A new subclass of the Document class that includes the additional fields


found in the metadata of the given document instance.

Source code in langroid/utils/
def extend_document_class(d: Document) -> Type[Document]:
    """Generates a new pydantic class based on a given document instance.

    This function dynamically creates a new pydantic class with additional
    fields based on the "extra" metadata fields present in the given document
    instance. The new class is a subclass of the original Document class, with
    the original metadata fields retained and extra fields added as normal
    fields to the metadata.

        d: An instance of the Document class.

        A new subclass of the Document class that includes the additional fields
        found in the metadata of the given document instance.
    # Extract the fields from the original metadata class, including types,
    # correctly handling special types like List[str].
    original_metadata_fields = {
        k: (v.outer_type_ if v.shape != 1 else v.type_, ...)
        for k, v in DocMetaData.__fields__.items()
    # Extract extra fields from the metadata instance with their types
    extra_fields = {
        k: (type(v), ...)
        for k, v in d.metadata.__dict__.items()
        if k not in DocMetaData.__fields__

    # Combine original and extra fields for the new metadata class
    combined_fields = {**original_metadata_fields, **extra_fields}

    # Create a new metadata class with combined fields
    NewMetadataClass = create_model(  # type: ignore
        "ExtendedDocMetadata", **combined_fields, __base__=DocMetaData
    # NewMetadataClass.__config__.arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    # Create a new document class using the new metadata class
    NewDocumentClass = create_model(
        content=(str, ...),
        metadata=(NewMetadataClass, ...),

    return NewDocumentClass