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Check if the input string is a valid JSON.


Name Type Description Default
json_str str

The input string to check.



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the input string is a valid JSON, False otherwise.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def is_valid_json(json_str: str) -> bool:
    """Check if the input string is a valid JSON.

        json_str (str): The input string to check.

        bool: True if the input string is a valid JSON, False otherwise.
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False


Flatten a nested list into a single list of strings

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def flatten(nested_list) -> Iterator[str]:  # type: ignore
    """Flatten a nested list into a single list of strings"""
    for item in nested_list:
        if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
            for subitem in flatten(item):
                yield subitem
            yield item


Get top-level JSON candidates, i.e. strings between curly braces.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def get_json_candidates(s: str) -> List[str]:
    """Get top-level JSON candidates, i.e. strings between curly braces."""
    # Define the grammar for matching curly braces
    curly_braces = originalTextFor(nestedExpr("{", "}"))

    # Parse the string
        results = curly_braces.searchString(s)
        # Properly convert nested lists to strings
        return [r[0] for r in results]
    except Exception:
        return []


Replace accidentally un-quoted string-like keys and values in a potential json str. Intended to handle cases where a weak LLM may produce a JSON-like string containing, e.g. "rent": DO-NOT-KNOW, where it "forgot" to put quotes on the value, or city: "New York" where it "forgot" to put quotes on the key. It will even handle cases like 'address: do not know'.

Got this fiendishly clever solution from Far better/safer than trying to do it with regexes.

Args: - s (str): The potential JSON string to parse.

  • str: The (potential) JSON string with un-quoted string-like values replaced by quoted values.
Source code in langroid/parsing/
def add_quotes(s: str) -> str:
    Replace accidentally un-quoted string-like keys and values in a potential json str.
    Intended to handle cases where a weak LLM may produce a JSON-like string
    containing, e.g. "rent": DO-NOT-KNOW, where it "forgot" to put quotes on the value,
    or city: "New York" where it "forgot" to put quotes on the key.
    It will even handle cases like 'address: do not know'.

    Got this fiendishly clever solution from
    Far better/safer than trying to do it with regexes.

    - s (str): The potential JSON string to parse.

    - str: The (potential) JSON string with un-quoted string-like values
        replaced by quoted values.
    if is_valid_json(s):
        return s
        dct = yaml.load(s, yaml.SafeLoader)
        return json.dumps(dct)
    except Exception:
        return s


Attempt to load as json, and if it fails, try with newlines replaced by space. Intended to handle cases where weak LLMs produce JSON-like strings where some string-values contain explicit newlines, e.g.: {"text": "This is a text with a newline"} These would not be valid JSON, so we try to clean them up here.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def repair_newlines(s: str) -> str:
    Attempt to load as json, and if it fails, try with newlines replaced by space.
    Intended to handle cases where weak LLMs produce JSON-like strings where
    some string-values contain explicit newlines, e.g.:
    {"text": "This is a text\n with a newline"}
    These would not be valid JSON, so we try to clean them up here.
        return s
    except Exception:
            s = s.replace("\n", " ")
            return s
        except Exception:
            return s


Extract all top-level JSON-formatted substrings from a given string.


Name Type Description Default
s str

The input string to search for JSON substrings.



Type Description

List[str]: A list of top-level JSON-formatted substrings.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def extract_top_level_json(s: str) -> List[str]:
    """Extract all top-level JSON-formatted substrings from a given string.

        s (str): The input string to search for JSON substrings.

        List[str]: A list of top-level JSON-formatted substrings.
    # Find JSON object and array candidates
    json_candidates = get_json_candidates(s)

    normalized_candidates = [
        candidate.replace("\\{", "{").replace("\\}", "}").replace("\\_", "_")
        for candidate in json_candidates
    candidates = [add_quotes(candidate) for candidate in normalized_candidates]
    candidates = [repair_newlines(candidate) for candidate in candidates]
    top_level_jsons = [
        candidate for candidate in candidates if is_valid_json(candidate)

    return top_level_jsons

top_level_json_field(s, f)

Extract the value of a field f from a top-level JSON object. If there are multiple, just return the first.


Name Type Description Default
s str

The input string to search for JSON substrings.

f str

The field to extract from the JSON object.



Name Type Description
str Any

The value of the field f in the top-level JSON object, if any. Otherwise, return an empty string.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def top_level_json_field(s: str, f: str) -> Any:
    Extract the value of a field f from a top-level JSON object.
    If there are multiple, just return the first.

        s (str): The input string to search for JSON substrings.
        f (str): The field to extract from the JSON object.

        str: The value of the field f in the top-level JSON object, if any.
            Otherwise, return an empty string.

    jsons = extract_top_level_json(s)
    if len(jsons) == 0:
        return ""
    for j in jsons:
        json_data = json.loads(j)
        if f in json_data:
            return json_data[f]

    return ""