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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I view the reasoning (thinking) text when using a Reasoning LLM like R1 or o1?

Yes, see this note on reasoning-content.

Does Langroid work with non-OpenAI LLMs?

Yes! Langroid works with practically any LLM, local or remote, closed or open.

See these two guides:

Where can I find out about Langroid's architecture?

There are a few documents that can help:

How can I limit the number of output tokens generated by the LLM?

You can set the max_output_tokens parameter in the LLMConfig class, or more commonly, the OpenAIGPTConfig class, which is a subclass of LLMConfig, for example:

import langroid as lr
import langroid.language_models as lm

llm_config = lm.OpenAIGPTConfig(
    max_output_tokens=100, # limit output to 100 tokens
agent_config = lr.ChatAgentConfig(
    # ... other configs
agent = lr.ChatAgent(agent_config)

Then every time the agent's llm_response method is called, the LLM's output will be limited to this number of tokens.

If you omit the max_output_tokens, it defaults to 8192. If you wish not to limit the output tokens, you can set max_output_tokens=None, in which case Langroid uses the model-specific maximum output tokens from the langroid/language_models/ file (specifically the model_max_output_tokens property of LLMConfig). Note however that this model-specific may be quite large, so you would generally want to either omit setting max_output_tokens (which defaults to 8192), or set it another desired value.

How langroid handles long chat histories

You may encounter an error like this:

Error: Tried to shorten prompt history but ... longer than context length

This might happen when your chat history bumps against various limits. Here is how Langroid handles long chat histories. Ultimately the LLM API is invoked with two key inputs: the message history \(h\), and the desired output length \(n\) (defaults to the max_output_tokens in the ChatAgentConfig). These inputs are determined as follows (see the ChatAgent._prep_llm_messages method):

  • let \(H\) be the current message history, and \(M\) be the value of ChatAgentConfig.max_output_tokens, and \(C\) be the context-length of the LLM.
  • If \(\text{tokens}(H) + M \leq C\), then langroid uses \(h = H\) and \(n = M\), since there is enough room to fit both the actual chat history as well as the desired max output length.
  • If \(\text{tokens}(H) + M > C\), this means the context length is too small to accommodate the message history \(H\) and the desired output length \(M\). Then langroid tries to use a shortened output length \(n' = C - \text{tokens}(H)\), i.e. the output is effectively truncated to fit within the context length.
    • If \(n'\) is at least equal to min_output_tokens \(m\) (default 10), langroid proceeds with \(h = H\) and \(n=n'\).
    • otherwise, this means that the message history \(H\) is so long that the remaining space in the LLM's context-length \(C\) is unacceptably small (i.e. smaller than the minimum output length \(m\)). In this case, Langroid tries to shorten the message history by dropping early messages, and updating the message history \(h\) as long as \(C - \text{tokens}(h) < m\), until there are no more messages to drop (it will not drop the system message or the last message, which is a user message), and throws the error mentioned above.

If you are getting this error, you will want to check whether:

  • you have set the chat_context_length too small, if you are setting it manually
  • you have set the max_output_tokens too large
  • you have set the min_output_tokens too large

If these look fine, then the next thing to look at is whether you are accumulating too much context into the agent history, for example retrieved passages (which can be very long) in a RAG scenario. One common case is when a query \(Q\) is being answered using RAG, the retrieved passages \(P\) are added to \(Q\) to create a (potentially very long) prompt like

based on the passages P, answer query Q

Once the LLM returns an answer (if appropropriate for your context), you should avoid retaining the passages \(P\) in the agent history, i.e. the last user message should be simply \(Q\), rather than the prompt above. This functionality is exactly what you get when you use ChatAgent._llm_response_temp_context, which is used by default in the DocChatAgent.

Another way to keep chat history tokens from growing too much is to use the llm_response_forget method, which erases both the query and response, if that makes sense in your scenario.

How can I handle large results from Tools?

As of version 0.22.0, Langroid allows you to control the size of tool results by setting optional parameters in a ToolMessage definition.

Can I handle a tool without running a task?

Yes, if you've enabled an agent to both use (i.e. generate) and handle a tool. See the test_tool_no_task for an example of this. The NabroskiTool is enabled for the agent, and to get the agent's LLM to generate the tool, you first do something like:

response = agent.llm_response("What is Nabroski of 1 and 2?")
Now the response is a ChatDocument that will contain the JSON for the NabroskiTool. To handle the tool, you will need to call the agent's agent_response method:

result = agent.agent_response(response)

When you wrap the agent in a task object, and do the above two steps are done for you, since Langroid operates via a loop mechanism, see docs here. The advantage of using instead of doing this yourself, is that this method ensures that tool generation errors are sent back to the LLM so it retries the generation.

OpenAI Tools and Function-calling support

Langroid supports OpenAI tool-calls API as well as OpenAI function-calls API. Read more here.

Langroid has always had its own native tool-calling support as well, which works with any LLM -- you can define a subclass of ToolMessage (pydantic based) and it is transpiled into system prompt instructions for the tool. In practice, we don't see much difference between using this vs OpenAI fn-calling. Example here. Or search for ToolMessage in any of the tests/ or examples/ folders.

Some example scripts appear to return to user input immediately without handling a tool.

This is because the task has been set up with interactive=True (which is the default). With this setting, the task loop waits for user input after either the llm_response or agent_response (typically a tool-handling response) returns a valid response. If you want to progress through the task, you can simply hit return, unless the prompt indicates that the user needs to enter a response.

Alternatively, the task can be set up with interactive=False -- with this setting, the task loop will only wait for user input when an entity response (llm_response or agent_response) explicitly addresses the user. Explicit user addressing can be done using either:

Can I specify top_k in OpenAIGPTConfig (for LLM API calls)?

No; Langroid currently only supports parameters accepted by OpenAI's API, and top_k is not one of them. See:

Can I persist agent state across multiple runs?

For example, you may want to stop the current python script, and run it again later, resuming your previous conversation. Currently there is no built-in Langroid mechanism for this, but you can achieve a basic type of persistence by saving the agent's message_history:

  • if you used in your script, make sure the task is set up with restart=False -- this prevents the agent state from being reset when the task is run again.
  • using python's pickle module, you can save the agent.message_history to a file, and load it (if it exists) at the start of your script.

See the example script

For more complex persistence, you can take advantage of the GlobalState, where you can store message histories of multiple agents indexed by their name. Simple examples of GlobalState are in the example, and the test.

Is it possible to share state between agents/tasks?

The above-mentioned GlobalState mechanism can be used to share state between agents/tasks. See the links mentioned in the previous answer.

How can I suppress LLM output?

You can use the quiet_mode context manager for this, see here

How can I deal with LLMs (especially weak ones) generating bad JSON in tools?

Langroid already attempts to repair bad JSON (e.g. unescaped newlines, missing quotes, etc)
using the json-repair library and other custom methods, before attempting to parse it into a ToolMessage object. However this type of repair may not be able to handle all edge cases of bad JSON from weak LLMs. There are two existing ways to deal with this, and one coming soon:

  • If you are defining your own ToolMessage subclass, considering deriving it instead from XMLToolMessage instead, see the XML-based Tools
  • If you are using an existing Langroid ToolMessage, e.g. SendTool, you can define your own subclass of SendTool, say XMLSendTool, inheriting from both SendTool and XMLToolMessage; see this example
  • Coming soon: strict decoding to leverage the Structured JSON outputs supported by OpenAI and open LLM providers such as llama.cpp and vllm.

The first two methods instruct the LLM to generate XML instead of JSON, and any field that is designated with a verbatim=True will be enclosed within an XML CDATA tag, which does not require any escaping, and can be far more reliable for tool-use than JSON, especially with weak LLMs.

How can I handle an LLM "forgetting" to generate a ToolMessage?

Sometimes the LLM (especially a weak one) forgets to generate a ToolMessage (either via OpenAI's tools/functions API, or via Langroid's JSON/XML Tool mechanism), despite being instructed to do so. There are a few remedies Langroid offers for this:

Improve the instructions in the ToolMessage definition:

  • Improve instructions in the purpose field of the ToolMessage.
  • Add an instructions class-method to the ToolMessage, as in the script:

def instructions(cls) -> str:
    return """
        IMPORTANT: You must include an ACTUAL query in the `query` field,
These instructions are meant to be general instructions on how to use the tool (e.g. how to set the field values), not to specifically about the formatting.

def format_instructions(cls, tool: bool = True) -> str:
    instr = super().format_instructions(tool)
    instr += """
    of the `lease_info` function/tool.
    First ask me for the start date of the lease.
    return instr

Override the handle_message_fallback method in the agent:

This method is called when the Agent's agent_response method receives a non-tool message as input. The default behavior of this method is to return None, but it is very useful to override the method to handle cases where the LLM has forgotten to use a tool. You can define this method to return a "nudge" to the LLM telling it that it forgot to do a tool-call, e.g. see how it's done in the example script

class LeasePresenterAgent(ChatAgent):
    def handle_message_fallback(
        self, msg: str | ChatDocument
    ) -> str | ChatDocument | None:
        """Handle scenario where Agent failed to present the Lease JSON"""
        if isinstance(msg, ChatDocument) and msg.metadata.sender == Entity.LLM:
            return """
            You either forgot to present the information in the JSON format
            required in `lease_info` JSON specification,
            or you may have used the wrong name of the tool or fields.
            Try again.
        return None

Note that despite doing all of these, the LLM may still fail to generate a ToolMessage. In such cases, you may want to consider using a better LLM, or an up-coming Langroid feature that leverages strict decoding abilities of specific LLM providers (e.g. OpenAI, llama.cpp, vllm) that are able to use grammar-constrained decoding to force the output to conform to the specified structure.

Langroid also provides a simpler mechanism to specify the action to take when an LLM does not generate a tool, via the ChatAgentConfig.handle_llm_no_tool config parameter, see the docs.

Can I use Langroid to converse with a Knowledge Graph (KG)?

Yes, you can use Langroid to "chat with" either a Neo4j or ArangoDB KG, see docs here

How can I improve DocChatAgent (RAG) latency?

The behavior of DocChatAgent can be controlled by a number of settings in the DocChatAgentConfig class. The top-level query-answering method in DocChatAgent is llm_response, which use the answer_from_docs method. At a high level, the response to an input message involves the following steps:

  • Query to StandAlone: LLM rephrases the query as a stand-alone query. This can incur some latency. You can turn it off by setting assistant_mode=True in the DocChatAgentConfig.
  • Retrieval: The most relevant passages (chunks) are retrieved using a collection of semantic/lexical similarity searches and ranking methods. There are various knobs in DocChatAgentConfig to control this retrieval.
  • Relevance Extraction: LLM is used to retrieve verbatim relevant portions from the retrieved chunks. This is typically the biggest latency step. You can turn it off by setting the relevance_extractor_config to None in DocChatAgentConfig.
  • Answer Generation: LLM generates answer based on retrieved passages.

See the example script, which illustrates some of these settings.

In some scenarios you want to only use the retrieval step of a DocChatAgent. For this you can use the RetrievalTool. See the test_retrieval_tool in to learn how to use it. The above example script uses RetrievalTool as well.

Is there support to run multiple tasks concurrently?

Yes, see the run_batch_tasks and related functions in

See also:

Another example is within DocChatAgent, which uses batch tasks for relevance extraction, see the get_verbatim_extracts method -- when there are k relevant passages, this runs k tasks concurrently, each of which uses an LLM-agent to extract relevant verbatim text from a passage.

Can I use Langroid in a FastAPI server?

Yes, see the langroid/fastapi-server repo.

Can a sub-task end all parent tasks and return a result?

Yes, there are two ways to achieve this, using [FinalResultTool][]:

From a ChatAgent's tool-handler or agent_response method: Your code can return a FinalResultTool with arbitrary field types; this ends the current and all parent tasks and this
FinalResultTool will appear as one of tools in the final ChatDocument.tool_messages. See test_tool_handlers_and_results in, and examples/basic/

From ChatAgent's llm_response method: you can define a subclass of a FinalResultTool and enable the agent to use this tool, which means it will become available for the LLM to generate. See examples/basic/

How can I configure a task to retain or discard prior conversation?

In some scenarios, you may want to control whether each time you call a task's run method, the underlying agent retains the conversation history from the previous run. There are two boolean config parameters that control this behavior:

  • the restart parameter (default True) in the Task constructor, and
  • the restart_as_subtask (default False) parameter in the TaskConfig argument of the Task constructor.

To understand how these work, consider a simple scenario of a task t that has a subtask t1, e.g., suppose you have the following code with default settings of the restart and restart_as_subtask parameters:

from langroid.agent.task import Task
from langroid.agent.task import TaskConfig

# default setttings:
rs = False
r = r1 = True

agent = ...
task_config = TaskConfig(restart_as_subtask=rs) 
t = Task(agent, restart=r, config=task_config)

agent1 = ...
t1 = Task(agent1, restart=r1, config=task_config)

This default setting works as follows: Since task t was constructed with the default restart=True, when is called, the conversation histories of the agent underlying t as well as all those of all subtasks (such as t1) are reset. However, if during, there are multiple calls to, then the conversation history is retained across these calls, even though t1 was constructed with the default restart=True -- this is because the restart constructor parameter has no effect on a task's reset behavior when it is a subtask.

The TaskConfig.restart_as_subtask parameter controls the reset behavior of a task's run method when invoked as a subtask. It defaults to False, which is why in the above example, the conversation history of t1 is retained across multiple calls to that may occur during execution of If you set this parameter to True in the above example, then the conversation history of t1 would be reset each time is called, during a call to

To summarize,

  • The Task constructor's restart parameter controls the reset behavior of the task's run method when it is called directly, not as a subtask.
  • The TaskConfig.restart_as_subtask parameter controls the reset behavior of the task's run method when it is called as a subtask.

These settings can be mixed and matched as needed.

Additionally, all reset behavior can be turned off during a specific run() invocation by calling it with allow_restart=False, e.g.,, allow_restart=False).

How can I set up a task to exit as soon as the LLM responds?

In some cases you may want the top-level task or a subtask to exit as soon as the LLM responds. You can get this behavior by setting single_round=True during task construction, e.g.,

from langroid.agent.task import Task

agent = ...
t = Task(agent, single_round=True, interactive=False)

result ="What is 4 + 5?")

The name single_round comes from the fact that the task loop ends as soon as any one of the agent's responders return a valid response. Recall that an agent's responders are llm_response, agent_response (for tool handling), and user_response (for user input). In the above example there are no tools and no user interaction (since interactive=False), so the task will exit as soon as the LLM responds.

More commonly, you may only want this single-round behavior for a subtask, e.g.,

agent = ...
t = Task(agent, single_round=False, interactive=True)

agent1 = ...
t1 = Task(agent1, single_round=True, interactive=False)

top_level_query = ...
result =

See the example script for an example of this, and also search for single_round in the rest of the examples.

Using single_round=True will prevent tool-handling

As explained above, setting single_round=True will cause the task to exit as soon as the LLM responds, and thus if it emits a valid tool (which the agent is enabled to handle), this tool will not be handled.