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Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for a vector store.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def __init__(self, config: VectorStoreConfig):
    self.config = config
    if config.embedding_model is None:
        self.embedding_model = EmbeddingModel.create(config.embedding)
        self.embedding_model = config.embedding_model
    self.embedding_fn: EmbeddingFunction = self.embedding_model.embedding_fn()

clear_empty_collections() abstractmethod

Clear all empty collections in the vector store. Returns the number of collections deleted.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def clear_empty_collections(self) -> int:
    """Clear all empty collections in the vector store.
    Returns the number of collections deleted.

clear_all_collections(really=False, prefix='') abstractmethod

Clear all collections in the vector store.


Name Type Description Default
really bool

Whether to really clear all collections. Defaults to False.

prefix str

Prefix of collections to clear.


Returns: int: Number of collections deleted.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def clear_all_collections(self, really: bool = False, prefix: str = "") -> int:
    Clear all collections in the vector store.

        really (bool, optional): Whether to really clear all collections.
            Defaults to False.
        prefix (str, optional): Prefix of collections to clear.
        int: Number of collections deleted.

list_collections(empty=False) abstractmethod

List all collections in the vector store (only non empty collections if empty=False).

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def list_collections(self, empty: bool = False) -> List[str]:
    """List all collections in the vector store
    (only non empty collections if empty=False).

set_collection(collection_name, replace=False)

Set the current collection to the given collection name. Args: collection_name (str): Name of the collection. replace (bool, optional): Whether to replace the collection if it already exists. Defaults to False.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def set_collection(self, collection_name: str, replace: bool = False) -> None:
    Set the current collection to the given collection name.
        collection_name (str): Name of the collection.
        replace (bool, optional): Whether to replace the collection if it
            already exists. Defaults to False.

    self.config.collection_name = collection_name
    self.config.replace_collection = replace
    if replace:
        self.create_collection(collection_name, replace=True)

create_collection(collection_name, replace=False) abstractmethod

Create a collection with the given name. Args: collection_name (str): Name of the collection. replace (bool, optional): Whether to replace the collection if it already exists. Defaults to False.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, replace: bool = False) -> None:
    """Create a collection with the given name.
        collection_name (str): Name of the collection.
        replace (bool, optional): Whether to replace the
            collection if it already exists. Defaults to False.

compute_from_docs(docs, calc)

Compute a result on a set of documents, using a dataframe calc string like df.groupby('state')['income'].mean().

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def compute_from_docs(self, docs: List[Document], calc: str) -> str:
    """Compute a result on a set of documents,
    using a dataframe calc string like `df.groupby('state')['income'].mean()`.
    # convert each doc to a dict, using dotted paths for nested fields
    dicts = [flatten_dict(doc.dict(by_alias=True)) for doc in docs]
    df = pd.DataFrame(dicts)

        result = pd.eval(  # safer than eval but limited to single expression
            local_dict={"df": df},
    except Exception as e:
        # return error message so LLM can fix the calc string if needed
        err = f"""
        Error encountered in pandas eval: {str(e)}
        if isinstance(e, KeyError) and "not in index" in str(e):
            # Pd.eval sometimes fails on a perfectly valid exprn like
            # df.loc[..., 'column'] with a KeyError.
            err += """
            Maybe try a different way, e.g. 
            instead of df.loc[..., 'column'], try df.loc[...]['column']
        return err
    return stringify(result)


Add ids to metadata if absent, since some vecdbs don't like having blank ids.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def maybe_add_ids(self, documents: Sequence[Document]) -> None:
    """Add ids to metadata if absent, since some
    vecdbs don't like having blank ids."""
    for d in documents:
        if in [None, ""]:
   = ObjectRegistry.new_id()

similar_texts_with_scores(text, k=1, where=None) abstractmethod

Find k most similar texts to the given text, in terms of vector distance metric (e.g., cosine similarity).


Name Type Description Default
text str

The text to find similar texts for.

k int

Number of similar texts to retrieve. Defaults to 1.

where Optional[str]

Where clause to filter the search.



Type Description
List[Tuple[Document, float]]

List[Tuple[Document,float]]: List of (Document, score) tuples.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def similar_texts_with_scores(
    text: str,
    k: int = 1,
    where: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]:
    Find k most similar texts to the given text, in terms of vector distance metric
    (e.g., cosine similarity).

        text (str): The text to find similar texts for.
        k (int, optional): Number of similar texts to retrieve. Defaults to 1.
        where (Optional[str], optional): Where clause to filter the search.

        List[Tuple[Document,float]]: List of (Document, score) tuples.


add_context_window(docs_scores, neighbors=0)

In each doc's metadata, there may be a window_ids field indicating the ids of the chunks around the current chunk. These window_ids may overlap, so we - coalesce each overlapping groups into a single window (maintaining ordering), - create a new document for each part, preserving metadata,

We may have stored a longer set of window_ids than we need during chunking. Now, we just want neighbors on each side of the center of the window_ids list.


Name Type Description Default
docs_scores List[Tuple[Document, float]]

List of pairs of documents to add context windows to together with their match scores.

neighbors int

Number of neighbors on "each side" of match to retrieve. Defaults to 0. "Each side" here means before and after the match, in the original text.



Type Description
List[Tuple[Document, float]]

List[Tuple[Document, float]]: List of (Document, score) tuples.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def add_context_window(
    self, docs_scores: List[Tuple[Document, float]], neighbors: int = 0
) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]:
    In each doc's metadata, there may be a window_ids field indicating
    the ids of the chunks around the current chunk.
    These window_ids may overlap, so we
    - coalesce each overlapping groups into a single window (maintaining ordering),
    - create a new document for each part, preserving metadata,

    We may have stored a longer set of window_ids than we need during chunking.
    Now, we just want `neighbors` on each side of the center of the window_ids list.

        docs_scores (List[Tuple[Document, float]]): List of pairs of documents
            to add context windows to together with their match scores.
        neighbors (int, optional): Number of neighbors on "each side" of match to
            retrieve. Defaults to 0.
            "Each side" here means before and after the match,
            in the original text.

        List[Tuple[Document, float]]: List of (Document, score) tuples.
    # We return a larger context around each match, i.e.
    # a window of `neighbors` on each side of the match.
    docs = [d for d, s in docs_scores]
    scores = [s for d, s in docs_scores]
    if neighbors == 0:
        return docs_scores
    doc_chunks = [d for d in docs if d.metadata.is_chunk]
    if len(doc_chunks) == 0:
        return docs_scores
    window_ids_list = []
    id2metadata = {}
    # id -> highest score of a doc it appears in
    id2max_score: Dict[int | str, float] = {}
    for i, d in enumerate(docs):
        window_ids = d.metadata.window_ids
        if len(window_ids) == 0:
            window_ids = []
        id2metadata.update({id: d.metadata for id in window_ids})

            {id: max(id2max_score.get(id, 0), scores[i]) for id in window_ids}
        n = len(window_ids)
        chunk_idx = window_ids.index(
        neighbor_ids = window_ids[
            max(0, chunk_idx - neighbors) : min(n, chunk_idx + neighbors + 1)
        window_ids_list += [neighbor_ids]

    # window_ids could be from different docs,
    # and they may overlap, so we coalesce overlapping groups into
    # separate windows.
    window_ids_list = self.remove_overlaps(window_ids_list)
    final_docs = []
    final_scores = []
    for w in window_ids_list:
        metadata = copy.deepcopy(id2metadata[w[0]])
        metadata.window_ids = w
        document = Document(
            content="".join([d.content for d in self.get_documents_by_ids(w)]),
        # make a fresh id since content is in general different = ObjectRegistry.new_id()
        final_docs += [document]
        final_scores += [max(id2max_score[id] for id in w)]
    return list(zip(final_docs, final_scores))

remove_overlaps(windows) staticmethod

Given a collection of windows, where each window is a sequence of ids, identify groups of overlapping windows, and for each overlapping group, order the chunk-ids using topological sort so they appear in the original order in the text.


Name Type Description Default
windows List[int | str]

List of windows, where each window is a sequence of ids.



Type Description

List[int|str]: List of windows, where each window is a sequence of ids, and no two windows overlap.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def remove_overlaps(windows: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
    Given a collection of windows, where each window is a sequence of ids,
    identify groups of overlapping windows, and for each overlapping group,
    order the chunk-ids using topological sort so they appear in the original
    order in the text.

        windows (List[int|str]): List of windows, where each window is a
            sequence of ids.

        List[int|str]: List of windows, where each window is a sequence of ids,
            and no two windows overlap.
    ids = set(id for w in windows for id in w)
    # id -> {win -> # pos}
    id2win2pos: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] = {id: {} for id in ids}

    for i, w in enumerate(windows):
        for j, id in enumerate(w):
            id2win2pos[id][i] = j

    n = len(windows)
    # relation between windows:
    order = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=np.int8)
    for i, w in enumerate(windows):
        for j, x in enumerate(windows):
            if i == j:
            if len(set(w).intersection(x)) == 0:
            id = list(set(w).intersection(x))[0]  # any common id
            if id2win2pos[id][i] > id2win2pos[id][j]:
                order[i, j] = -1  # win i is before win j
                order[i, j] = 1  # win i is after win j

    # find groups of windows that overlap, like connected components in a graph
    groups = components(np.abs(order))

    # order the chunk-ids in each group using topological sort
    new_windows = []
    for g in groups:
        # find total ordering among windows in group based on order matrix
        # (this is a topological sort)
        _g = np.array(g)
        order_matrix = order[_g][:, _g]
        ordered_window_indices = topological_sort(order_matrix)
        ordered_window_ids = [windows[i] for i in _g[ordered_window_indices]]
        flattened = [id for w in ordered_window_ids for id in w]
        flattened_deduped = list(dict.fromkeys(flattened))
        # Note we are not going to split these, and instead we'll return
        # larger windows from concatenating the connected groups.
        # This ensures context is retained for LLM q/a
        new_windows += [flattened_deduped]

    return new_windows

get_all_documents(where='') abstractmethod

Get all documents in the current collection, possibly filtered by where.

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def get_all_documents(self, where: str = "") -> List[Document]:
    Get all documents in the current collection, possibly filtered by `where`.

get_documents_by_ids(ids) abstractmethod

Get documents by their ids. Args: ids (List[str]): List of document ids.


Type Description

List[Document]: List of documents

Source code in langroid/vector_store/
def get_documents_by_ids(self, ids: List[str]) -> List[Document]:
    Get documents by their ids.
        ids (List[str]): List of document ids.

        List[Document]: List of documents