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batched(iterable, n)

Batch data into tuples of length n. The last batch may be shorter.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def batched(iterable: Iterable[T], n: int) -> Iterable[Sequence[T]]:
    """Batch data into tuples of length n. The last batch may be shorter."""
    # batched('ABCDEFG', 3) --> ABC DEF G
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError("n must be at least one")
    it = iter(iterable)
    while batch := tuple(islice(it, n)):
        yield batch

closest_string(query, string_list)

Find the closest match to the query in a list of strings.

This function is case-insensitive and ignores leading and trailing whitespace. If no match is found, it returns 'No match found'.


Name Type Description Default
query str

The string to match.

string_list List[str]

The list of strings to search.



Name Type Description
str str

The closest match to the query from the list, or 'No match found' if no match is found.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def closest_string(query: str, string_list: List[str]) -> str:
    """Find the closest match to the query in a list of strings.

    This function is case-insensitive and ignores leading and trailing whitespace.
    If no match is found, it returns 'No match found'.

        query (str): The string to match.
        string_list (List[str]): The list of strings to search.

        str: The closest match to the query from the list, or 'No match found'
             if no match is found.
    # Create a dictionary where the keys are the standardized strings and
    # the values are the original strings.
    str_dict = {s.lower().strip(): s for s in string_list}

    # Standardize the query and find the closest match in the list of keys.
    closest_match = difflib.get_close_matches(
        query.lower().strip(), str_dict.keys(), n=1

    # Retrieve the original string from the value in the dictionary.
    original_closest_match = (
        str_dict[closest_match[0]] if closest_match else "No match found"

    return original_closest_match


Split the input text into paragraphs using "

" as the delimiter.

    text (str): The input text.

    list: A list of paragraphs.
Source code in langroid/parsing/
def split_paragraphs(text: str) -> List[str]:
    Split the input text into paragraphs using "\n\n" as the delimiter.

        text (str): The input text.

        list: A list of paragraphs.
    # Split based on a newline, followed by spaces/tabs, then another newline.
    paras = re.split(r"\n[ \t]*\n", text)
    return [para.strip() for para in paras if para.strip()]


Split the input text into lines using "

" as the delimiter.

    text (str): The input text.

    list: A list of lines.
Source code in langroid/parsing/
def split_newlines(text: str) -> List[str]:
    Split the input text into lines using "\n" as the delimiter.

        text (str): The input text.

        list: A list of lines.
    lines = re.split(r"\n", text)
    return [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()]

number_segments(s, granularity=1)

Number the segments in a given text, preserving paragraph structure. A segment is a sequence of len consecutive "sentences", where a "sentence" is either a normal sentence, or if there isn't enough punctuation to properly identify sentences, then we use a pseudo-sentence via heuristics (split by newline or failing that, just split every 40 words). The goal here is simply to number segments at a reasonable granularity so the LLM can identify relevant segments, in the RelevanceExtractorAgent.


Name Type Description Default
s str

The input text.

granularity int

The number of sentences in a segment. If this is -1, then the entire text is treated as a single segment, and is numbered as <#1#>.



Name Type Description
str str

The text with segments numbered in the style <#1#>, <#2#> etc.


number_segments("Hello world! How are you? Have a good day.") '<#1#> Hello world! <#2#> How are you? <#3#> Have a good day.'

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def number_segments(s: str, granularity: int = 1) -> str:
    Number the segments in a given text, preserving paragraph structure.
    A segment is a sequence of `len` consecutive "sentences", where a "sentence"
    is either a normal sentence, or if there isn't enough punctuation to properly
    identify sentences, then we use a pseudo-sentence via heuristics (split by newline
    or failing that, just split every 40 words). The goal here is simply to number
    segments at a reasonable granularity so the LLM can identify relevant segments,
    in the RelevanceExtractorAgent.

        s (str): The input text.
        granularity (int): The number of sentences in a segment.
            If this is -1, then the entire text is treated as a single segment,
            and is numbered as <#1#>.

        str: The text with segments numbered in the style <#1#>, <#2#> etc.

        >>> number_segments("Hello world! How are you? Have a good day.")
        '<#1#> Hello world! <#2#> How are you? <#3#> Have a good day.'
    if granularity < 0:
        return "<#1#> " + s
    numbered_text = []
    count = 0

    paragraphs = split_paragraphs(s)
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(paragraph)
        # Some docs are problematic (e.g. resumes) and have no (or too few) periods,
        # so we can't split usefully into sentences.
        # We try a series of heuristics to split into sentences,
        # until the avg num words per sentence is less than 40.
        avg_words_per_sentence = sum(
            len(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)) for sentence in sentences
        ) / len(sentences)
        if avg_words_per_sentence > 40:
            sentences = split_newlines(paragraph)
        avg_words_per_sentence = sum(
            len(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)) for sentence in sentences
        ) / len(sentences)
        if avg_words_per_sentence > 40:
            # Still too long, just split on every 40 words
            sentences = []
            for sentence in nltk.sent_tokenize(paragraph):
                words = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
                for i in range(0, len(words), 40):
                    # if there are less than 20 words left after this,
                    # just add them to the last sentence and break
                    if len(words) - i < 20:
                        sentences.append(" ".join(words[i:]))
                        sentences.append(" ".join(words[i : i + 40]))
        for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
            num = count // granularity + 1
            number_prefix = f"<#{num}#>" if count % granularity == 0 else ""
            sentence = f"{number_prefix} {sentence}"
            count += 1
            sentences[i] = sentence
        numbered_paragraph = " ".join(sentences)

    return "  \n\n  ".join(numbered_text)


Parse a specs string like "3,5,7-10" into a list of integers.


Name Type Description Default
specs str

A string containing segment numbers and/or ranges (e.g., "3,5,7-10").



Type Description

List[int]: List of segment numbers.


parse_number_range_list("3,5,7-10") [3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def parse_number_range_list(specs: str) -> List[int]:
    Parse a specs string like "3,5,7-10" into a list of integers.

        specs (str): A string containing segment numbers and/or ranges
                     (e.g., "3,5,7-10").

        List[int]: List of segment numbers.

        >>> parse_number_range_list("3,5,7-10")
        [3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]
    spec_indices = set()  # type: ignore
    for part in specs.split(","):
        # some weak LLMs may generate <#1#> instead of 1, so extract just the digits
        # or the "-"
        part = "".join(char for char in part if char.isdigit() or char == "-")
        if "-" in part:
            start, end = map(int, part.split("-"))
            spec_indices.update(range(start, end + 1))

    return sorted(list(spec_indices))

strip_k(s, k=2)

Strip any leading and trailing whitespaces from the input text beyond length k. This is useful for removing leading/trailing whitespaces from a text while preserving paragraph structure.


Name Type Description Default
s str

The input text.

k int

The number of leading and trailing whitespaces to retain.



Name Type Description
str str

The text with leading and trailing whitespaces removed beyond length k.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def strip_k(s: str, k: int = 2) -> str:
    Strip any leading and trailing whitespaces from the input text beyond length k.
    This is useful for removing leading/trailing whitespaces from a text while
    preserving paragraph structure.

        s (str): The input text.
        k (int): The number of leading and trailing whitespaces to retain.

        str: The text with leading and trailing whitespaces removed beyond length k.

    # Count leading and trailing whitespaces
    leading_count = len(s) - len(s.lstrip())
    trailing_count = len(s) - len(s.rstrip())

    # Determine how many whitespaces to retain
    leading_keep = min(leading_count, k)
    trailing_keep = min(trailing_count, k)

    # Use slicing to get the desired output
    return s[leading_count - leading_keep : len(s) - (trailing_count - trailing_keep)]


Remove extra whitespace from the input text, while preserving paragraph structure.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def clean_whitespace(text: str) -> str:
    """Remove extra whitespace from the input text, while preserving
    paragraph structure.
    paragraphs = split_paragraphs(text)
    cleaned_paragraphs = [" ".join(p.split()) for p in paragraphs if p]
    return "\n\n".join(cleaned_paragraphs)  # Join the cleaned paragraphs.

extract_numbered_segments(s, specs)

Extract specified segments from a numbered text, preserving paragraph structure.


Name Type Description Default
s str

The input text containing numbered segments.

specs str

A string containing segment numbers and/or ranges (e.g., "3,5,7-10").



Name Type Description
str str

Extracted segments, keeping original paragraph structures.


text = "(1) Hello world! (2) How are you? (3) Have a good day." extract_numbered_segments(text, "1,3") 'Hello world! Have a good day.'

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def extract_numbered_segments(s: str, specs: str) -> str:
    Extract specified segments from a numbered text, preserving paragraph structure.

        s (str): The input text containing numbered segments.
        specs (str): A string containing segment numbers and/or ranges
                     (e.g., "3,5,7-10").

        str: Extracted segments, keeping original paragraph structures.

        >>> text = "(1) Hello world! (2) How are you? (3) Have a good day."
        >>> extract_numbered_segments(text, "1,3")
        'Hello world! Have a good day.'
    # Use the helper function to get the list of indices from specs
    if specs.strip() == "":
        return ""
    spec_indices = parse_number_range_list(specs)

    # Regular expression to identify numbered segments like
    # <#1#> Hello world! This is me. <#2#> How are you? <#3#> Have a good day.
    # Note we match any character between segment markers, including newlines.
    segment_pattern = re.compile(r"<#(\d+)#>([\s\S]*?)(?=<#\d+#>|$)")

    # Split the text into paragraphs while preserving their boundaries
    paragraphs = split_paragraphs(s)

    extracted_paragraphs = []

    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        segments_with_numbers = segment_pattern.findall(paragraph)

        # Extract the desired segments from this paragraph
        extracted_segments = [
            for num, segment in segments_with_numbers
            if int(num) in spec_indices

        # If we extracted any segments from this paragraph,
        # join them with ellipsis (...) and append to results.
        if extracted_segments:

    return "\n\n".join(extracted_paragraphs)

extract_content_from_path(path, parsing, doc_type=None)

Extract the content from a file path or URL, or a list of file paths or URLs.


Name Type Description Default
path bytes | str | List[str]

The file path or URL, or a list of file paths or URLs, or bytes content. The bytes option is meant to support cases where upstream code may have already loaded the content (e.g., from a database or API) and we want to avoid having to copy the content to a temporary file.

parsing ParsingConfig

The parsing configuration.

doc_type str | DocumentType | None

The document type if known. If multiple paths are given, this MUST apply to ALL docs.



Type Description
str | List[str]

str | List[str]: The extracted content if a single file path or URL is provided, or a list of extracted contents if a list of file paths or URLs is provided.

Source code in langroid/parsing/
def extract_content_from_path(
    path: bytes | str | List[bytes | str],
    parsing: ParsingConfig,
    doc_type: str | DocumentType | None = None,
) -> str | List[str]:
    Extract the content from a file path or URL, or a list of file paths or URLs.

        path (bytes | str | List[str]): The file path or URL, or a list of file paths or
            URLs, or bytes content. The bytes option is meant to support cases
            where upstream code may have already loaded the content (e.g., from a
            database or API) and we want to avoid having to copy the content to a
            temporary file.
        parsing (ParsingConfig): The parsing configuration.
        doc_type (str | DocumentType | None): The document type if known.
            If multiple paths are given, this MUST apply to ALL docs.

        str | List[str]: The extracted content if a single file path or URL is provided,
                or a list of extracted contents if a
                list of file paths or URLs is provided.
    if isinstance(path, str) or isinstance(path, bytes):
        paths = [path]
    elif isinstance(path, list) and len(path) == 0:
        return ""
        paths = path

    url_idxs, path_idxs, byte_idxs = get_urls_paths_bytes_indices(paths)
    urls = [paths[i] for i in url_idxs]
    path_list = [paths[i] for i in path_idxs]
    byte_list = [paths[i] for i in byte_idxs]
    parser = Parser(parsing)
    docs: List[Document] = []
        if len(urls) > 0:
            loader = URLLoader(urls=urls, parser=parser)  # type: ignore
            docs = loader.load()
        if len(path_list) > 0:
            for p in path_list:
                path_docs = RepoLoader.get_documents(
                    p, parser=parser, doc_type=doc_type
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning(f"Error loading path {paths}: {e}")
        return ""
    if len(docs) == 1:
        return docs[0].content
        return [d.content for d in docs]