LanceQueryPlanAgent is a ChatAgent created with a specific document schema.
Given a QUERY, the LLM constructs a Query Plan consisting of:
- filter condition if needed (or empty string if no filter is needed)
- query - a possibly rephrased query that can be used to match the content
- dataframe_calc - a Pandas-dataframe calculation/aggregation string, possibly empty
- original_query - the original query for reference
This agent has access to two tools:
- QueryPlanTool, which is used to generate the Query Plan, and the handler of
this tool simply passes it on to the RAG agent named in config.doc_agent_name.
- QueryPlanFeedbackTool, which is used to handle feedback on the Query Plan and
Result from the RAG agent. The QueryPlanFeedbackTool is used by
the QueryPlanCritic, who inserts feedback into the feedback
Bases: ChatAgent
Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
| def __init__(self, config: LanceQueryPlanAgentConfig):
self.config: LanceQueryPlanAgentConfig = config
# This agent should generate the QueryPlanTool
# as well as handle it for validation
self.enable_message(QueryPlanTool, use=True, handle=True)
self.enable_message(QueryPlanFeedbackTool, use=False, handle=True)
self.enable_message(AnswerTool, use=False, handle=True)
# neither use nor handle! Added to "known" tools so that the Planner agent
# can avoid processing it
self.enable_message(QueryPlanAnswerTool, use=False, handle=False)
# LLM will not use this, so set use=False (Agent generates it)
self.enable_message(AgentDoneTool, use=False, handle=True)
Valid, tool msg, forward chat_doc to RAG Agent.
Note this chat_doc will already have the
QueryPlanTool in its tool_messages list.
We just update the recipient to the doc_agent_name.
Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
| def query_plan(self, msg: QueryPlanTool) -> ForwardTool | str:
"""Valid, tool msg, forward chat_doc to RAG Agent.
Note this chat_doc will already have the
QueryPlanTool in its tool_messages list.
We just update the recipient to the doc_agent_name.
# save, to be used to assemble QueryPlanResultTool
if len(msg.plan.dataframe_calc.split("\n")) > 1:
return "DATAFRAME CALCULATION must be a SINGLE LINE; Retry the `query_plan`"
self.curr_query_plan = msg.plan
self.expecting_query_plan = False
# To forward the QueryPlanTool to doc_agent, we could either:
# (a) insert `recipient` in the QueryPlanTool:
# QPWithRecipient = QueryPlanTool.require_recipient()
# qp = QPWithRecipient(**msg.dict(), recipient=self.config.doc_agent_name)
# return qp
# OR
# (b) create an agent response with recipient and tool_messages.
# response = self.create_agent_response(
# recipient=self.config.doc_agent_name, tool_messages=[msg]
# )
# return response
# OR
# (c) use the ForwardTool:
return ForwardTool(agent=self.config.doc_agent_name)
Process Critic feedback on QueryPlan + Answer from RAG Agent
Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
| def query_plan_feedback(self, msg: QueryPlanFeedbackTool) -> str | AgentDoneTool:
"""Process Critic feedback on QueryPlan + Answer from RAG Agent"""
# We should have saved answer in self.result by this time,
# since this Agent seeks feedback only after receiving RAG answer.
if (
msg.suggested_fix == ""
and NO_ANSWER not in self.result
and self.result != ""
# This means the result is good AND Query Plan is fine,
# as judged by Critic
# (Note sometimes critic may have empty suggested_fix even when
# the result is NO_ANSWER)
self.n_retries = 0 # good answer, so reset this
return AgentDoneTool(content=self.result)
self.n_retries += 1
if self.n_retries >= self.config.max_retries:
# bail out to avoid infinite loop
self.n_retries = 0
return AgentDoneTool(content=NO_ANSWER)
# there is a suggested_fix, OR the result is empty or NO_ANSWER
if self.result == "" or NO_ANSWER in self.result:
# if result is empty or NO_ANSWER, we should retry the query plan
feedback = """
There was no answer, which might mean there is a problem in your query.
suggested = "Retry the `query_plan` to try to get a non-null answer"
feedback =
suggested = msg.suggested_fix
self.expecting_query_plan = True
return f"""
here is FEEDBACK about your QUERY PLAN, and a SUGGESTED FIX.
Modify the QUERY PLAN if needed:
ANSWER: {self.result}
FEEDBACK: {feedback}
SUGGESTED FIX: {suggested}
Handle AnswerTool received from LanceRagAgent:
Construct a QueryPlanAnswerTool with the answer
Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
| def answer_tool(self, msg: AnswerTool) -> QueryPlanAnswerTool:
"""Handle AnswerTool received from LanceRagAgent:
Construct a QueryPlanAnswerTool with the answer"""
self.result = msg.answer # save answer to interpret feedback later
assert self.curr_query_plan is not None
query_plan_answer_tool = QueryPlanAnswerTool(
self.curr_query_plan = None # reset
return query_plan_answer_tool
Remind to use QueryPlanTool if we are expecting it.
Source code in langroid/agent/special/lance_rag/
| def handle_message_fallback(
self, msg: str | ChatDocument
) -> str | ChatDocument | None:
Remind to use QueryPlanTool if we are expecting it.
if self.expecting_query_plan and self.n_query_plan_reminders < 5:
self.n_query_plan_reminders += 1
return """
You FORGOT to use the `query_plan` tool/function,
OR you had a WRONG JSON SYNTAX when trying to use it.
Re-try your response using the `query_plan` tool/function CORRECTLY.
self.n_query_plan_reminders = 0 # reset
return None