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Bases: BaseSettings

General config settings for an LLM agent. This is nested, combining configs of various components.


Bases: ABC

An Agent is an abstraction that encapsulates mainly two components:

  • a language model (LLM)
  • a vector store (vecdb)

plus associated components such as a parser, and variables that hold information about any tool/function-calling messages that have been defined.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def __init__(self, config: AgentConfig = AgentConfig()):
    self.config = config
    self.lock = asyncio.Lock()  # for async access to update self.llm.usage_cost
    self.dialog: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []  # seq of LLM (prompt, response) tuples
    self.llm_tools_map: Dict[str, Type[ToolMessage]] = {}
    self.llm_tools_handled: Set[str] = set()
    self.llm_tools_usable: Set[str] = set()
    self.llm_tools_known: Set[str] = set()  # all known tools, handled/used or not
    # Indicates which tool-names are allowed to be inferred when
    # the LLM "forgets" to include the request field in its tool-call.
    self.enabled_requests_for_inference: Optional[Set[str]] = (
        None  # If None, we allow all
    self.interactive: bool = True  # may be modified by Task wrapper
    self.token_stats_str = ""
    self.default_human_response: Optional[str] = None
    self._indent = ""
    self.llm = LanguageModel.create(config.llm)
    self.vecdb = VectorStore.create(config.vecdb) if config.vecdb else None
    self.tool_error = False
    if config.parsing is not None and self.config.llm is not None:
        # token_encoding_model is used to obtain the tokenizer,
        # so in case it's an OpenAI model, we ensure that the tokenizer
        # corresponding to the model is used.
        if isinstance(self.llm, OpenAIGPT) and self.llm.is_openai_chat_model():
            config.parsing.token_encoding_model = self.llm.config.chat_model
    self.parser: Optional[Parser] = (
        Parser(config.parsing) if config.parsing else None
    if config.add_to_registry:

    self.callbacks = SimpleNamespace(
        start_llm_stream=lambda: noop_fn,

indent property writable

Indentation to print before any responses from the agent's entities.

all_llm_tools_known property

All known tools; this may extend self.llm_tools_known.


Initialize all state vars. Called by if restart is True

Source code in langroid/agent/
def init_state(self) -> None:
    """Initialize all state vars. Called by if restart is True"""
    self.total_llm_token_cost = 0.0
    self.total_llm_token_usage = 0


Sequence of (entity, response_method) pairs. This sequence is used in a Task to respond to the current pending message. See Task.step() for details. Returns: Sequence of (entity, response_method) pairs.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def entity_responders(
) -> List[
    Tuple[Entity, Callable[[None | str | ChatDocument], None | ChatDocument]]
    Sequence of (entity, response_method) pairs. This sequence is used
        in a `Task` to respond to the current pending message.
        See `Task.step()` for details.
        Sequence of (entity, response_method) pairs.
    return [
        (Entity.AGENT, self.agent_response),
        (Entity.LLM, self.llm_response),
        (Entity.USER, self.user_response),


Async version of entity_responders. See there for details.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def entity_responders_async(
) -> List[
            [None | str | ChatDocument], Coroutine[Any, Any, None | ChatDocument]
    Async version of `entity_responders`. See there for details.
    return [
        (Entity.AGENT, self.agent_response_async),
        (Entity.LLM, self.llm_response_async),
        (Entity.USER, self.user_response_async),


Enable an agent to RESPOND (i.e. handle) a "tool" message of a specific type from LLM. Also "registers" (i.e. adds) the message_class to the self.llm_tools_map dict.


Name Type Description Default
message_class Optional[Type[ToolMessage]]

The message class to enable; Optional; if None, all known message classes are enabled for handling.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def enable_message_handling(
    self, message_class: Optional[Type[ToolMessage]] = None
) -> None:
    Enable an agent to RESPOND (i.e. handle) a "tool" message of a specific type
        from LLM. Also "registers" (i.e. adds) the `message_class` to the
        `self.llm_tools_map` dict.

        message_class (Optional[Type[ToolMessage]]): The message class to enable;
            Optional; if None, all known message classes are enabled for handling.

    for t in self._get_tool_list(message_class):


Disable a message class from being handled by this Agent.


Name Type Description Default
message_class Optional[Type[ToolMessage]]

The message class to disable. If None, all message classes are disabled.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def disable_message_handling(
    message_class: Optional[Type[ToolMessage]] = None,
) -> None:
    Disable a message class from being handled by this Agent.

        message_class (Optional[Type[ToolMessage]]): The message class to disable.
            If None, all message classes are disabled.
    for t in self._get_tool_list(message_class):


Generate a sample multi-round dialog based on enabled message classes. Returns: str: The sample dialog string.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def sample_multi_round_dialog(self) -> str:
    Generate a sample multi-round dialog based on enabled message classes.
        str: The sample dialog string.
    enabled_classes: List[Type[ToolMessage]] = list(self.llm_tools_map.values())
    # use at most 2 sample conversations, no need to be exhaustive;
    sample_convo = [
        msg_cls().usage_examples(random=True)  # type: ignore
        for i, msg_cls in enumerate(enabled_classes)
        if i < 2
    return "\n\n".join(sample_convo)

create_agent_response(content=None, content_any=None, tool_messages=[], oai_tool_calls=None, oai_tool_choice='auto', oai_tool_id2result=None, function_call=None, recipient='')

Template for agent_response.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def create_agent_response(
    content: str | None = None,
    content_any: Any = None,
    tool_messages: List[ToolMessage] = [],
    oai_tool_calls: Optional[List[OpenAIToolCall]] = None,
    oai_tool_choice: ToolChoiceTypes | Dict[str, Dict[str, str] | str] = "auto",
    oai_tool_id2result: OrderedDict[str, str] | None = None,
    function_call: LLMFunctionCall | None = None,
    recipient: str = "",
) -> ChatDocument:
    """Template for agent_response."""
    return self.response_template(


Render the response from the agent, typically from tool-handling. Args: results: results from tool-handling, which may be a string, a dict of tool results, or a ChatDocument.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def render_agent_response(
    results: Optional[str | OrderedDict[str, str] | ChatDocument],
) -> None:
    Render the response from the agent, typically from tool-handling.
        results: results from tool-handling, which may be a string,
            a dict of tool results, or a ChatDocument.
    if self.config.hide_agent_response or results is None:
    if isinstance(results, str):
        results_str = results
    elif isinstance(results, ChatDocument):
        results_str = results.content
    elif isinstance(results, dict):
        results_str = json.dumps(results, indent=2)
    if not settings.quiet:
        console.print(f"[red]{self.indent}", end="")
        print(f"[red]Agent: {escape(results_str)}")

agent_response_async(msg=None) async

Asynch version of agent_response. See there for details.

Source code in langroid/agent/
async def agent_response_async(
    msg: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None,
) -> Optional[ChatDocument]:
    Asynch version of `agent_response`. See there for details.
    if msg is None:
        return None

    results = await self.handle_message_async(msg)

    return self._agent_response_final(msg, results)


Response from the "agent itself", typically (but not only) used to handle LLM's "tool message" or function_call (e.g. OpenAI function_call). Args: msg (str|ChatDocument): the input to respond to: if msg is a string, and it contains a valid JSON-structured "tool message", or if msg is a ChatDocument, and it contains a function_call. Returns: Optional[ChatDocument]: the response, packaged as a ChatDocument

Source code in langroid/agent/
def agent_response(
    msg: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None,
) -> Optional[ChatDocument]:
    Response from the "agent itself", typically (but not only)
    used to handle LLM's "tool message" or `function_call`
    (e.g. OpenAI `function_call`).
        msg (str|ChatDocument): the input to respond to: if msg is a string,
            and it contains a valid JSON-structured "tool message", or
            if msg is a ChatDocument, and it contains a `function_call`.
        Optional[ChatDocument]: the response, packaged as a ChatDocument

    if msg is None:
        return None

    results = self.handle_message(msg)

    return self._agent_response_final(msg, results)

process_tool_results(results, id2result, tool_calls=None)

Process results from a response, based on whether they are results of OpenAI tool-calls from THIS agent, so that we can construct an appropriate LLMMessage that contains tool results.


Name Type Description Default
results str

A possible string result from handling tool(s)

id2result OrderedDict[str, str] | None

A dict of OpenAI tool id -> result, if there are multiple tool results.

tool_calls List[OpenAIToolCall] | None

List of OpenAI tool-calls that the results are a response to.

  • str: The response string
  • Dict[str,str]|None: A dict of OpenAI tool id -> result, if there are multiple tool results.
  • str|None: tool_id if there was a single tool result
Source code in langroid/agent/
def process_tool_results(
    results: str,
    id2result: OrderedDict[str, str] | None,
    tool_calls: List[OpenAIToolCall] | None = None,
) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, str] | None, str | None]:
    Process results from a response, based on whether
    they are results of OpenAI tool-calls from THIS agent, so that
    we can construct an appropriate LLMMessage that contains tool results.

        results (str): A possible string result from handling tool(s)
        id2result (OrderedDict[str,str]|None): A dict of OpenAI tool id -> result,
            if there are multiple tool results.
        tool_calls (List[OpenAIToolCall]|None): List of OpenAI tool-calls that the
            results are a response to.

        - str: The response string
        - Dict[str,str]|None: A dict of OpenAI tool id -> result, if there are
            multiple tool results.
        - str|None: tool_id if there was a single tool result

    id2result_ = copy.deepcopy(id2result) if id2result is not None else None
    results_str = ""
    oai_tool_id = None

    if results != "":
        # in this case ignore id2result
        assert (
            id2result is None
        ), "id2result should be None when results string is non-empty!"
        results_str = results
        if len(self.oai_tool_calls) > 0:
            # We only have one result, so in case there is a
            # "pending" OpenAI tool-call, we expect no more than 1 such.
            assert (
                len(self.oai_tool_calls) == 1
            ), "There are multiple pending tool-calls, but only one result!"
            # We record the tool_id of the tool-call that
            # the result is a response to, so that ChatDocument.to_LLMMessage
            # can properly set the `tool_call_id` field of the LLMMessage.
            oai_tool_id = self.oai_tool_calls[0].id
    elif id2result is not None and id2result_ is not None:  # appease mypy
        if len(id2result_) == len(self.oai_tool_calls):
            # if the number of pending tool calls equals the number of results,
            # then ignore the ids in id2result, and use the results in order,
            # which is preserved since id2result is an OrderedDict.
            assert len(id2result_) > 1, "Expected to see > 1 result in id2result!"
            results_str = ""
            id2result_ = OrderedDict(
                    [ or "" for tc in self.oai_tool_calls], id2result_.values()
            assert (
                tool_calls is not None
            ), "tool_calls cannot be None when id2result is not None!"
            # This must be an OpenAI tool id -> result map;
            # However some ids may not correspond to the tool-calls in the list of
            # pending tool-calls (self.oai_tool_calls).
            # Such results are concatenated into a simple string, to store in the
            # ChatDocument.content, and the rest
            # (i.e. those that DO correspond to tools in self.oai_tool_calls)
            # are stored as a dict in ChatDocument.oai_tool_id2result.

            # OAI tools from THIS agent, awaiting response
            pending_tool_ids = [ for tc in self.oai_tool_calls]
            # tool_calls that the results are a response to
            # (but these may have been sent from another agent, hence may not be in
            # self.oai_tool_calls)
            parent_tool_id2name = {
                for tc in tool_calls or []
                if tc.function is not None

            # (id, result) for result NOT corresponding to self.oai_tool_calls,
            # i.e. these are results of EXTERNAL tool-calls from another agent.
            external_tool_id_results = []

            for tc_id, result in id2result.items():
                if tc_id not in pending_tool_ids:
                    external_tool_id_results.append((tc_id, result))
            if len(external_tool_id_results) == 0:
                results_str = ""
            elif len(external_tool_id_results) == 1:
                results_str = external_tool_id_results[0][1]
                results_str = "\n\n".join(
                        f"Result from tool/function "
                        f"{parent_tool_id2name[id]}: {result}"
                        for id, result in external_tool_id_results

            if len(id2result_) == 0:
                id2result_ = None
            elif len(id2result_) == 1 and len(external_tool_id_results) == 0:
                results_str = list(id2result_.values())[0]
                oai_tool_id = list(id2result_.keys())[0]
                id2result_ = None

    return results_str, id2result_, oai_tool_id

response_template(e, content=None, content_any=None, tool_messages=[], oai_tool_calls=None, oai_tool_choice='auto', oai_tool_id2result=None, function_call=None, recipient='')

Template for response from entity e.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def response_template(
    e: Entity,
    content: str | None = None,
    content_any: Any = None,
    tool_messages: List[ToolMessage] = [],
    oai_tool_calls: Optional[List[OpenAIToolCall]] = None,
    oai_tool_choice: ToolChoiceTypes | Dict[str, Dict[str, str] | str] = "auto",
    oai_tool_id2result: OrderedDict[str, str] | None = None,
    function_call: LLMFunctionCall | None = None,
    recipient: str = "",
) -> ChatDocument:
    """Template for response from entity `e`."""
    return ChatDocument(
        content=content or "",
            source=e, sender=e,, recipient=recipient

create_user_response(content=None, content_any=None, tool_messages=[], oai_tool_calls=None, oai_tool_choice='auto', oai_tool_id2result=None, function_call=None, recipient='')

Template for user_response.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def create_user_response(
    content: str | None = None,
    content_any: Any = None,
    tool_messages: List[ToolMessage] = [],
    oai_tool_calls: List[OpenAIToolCall] | None = None,
    oai_tool_choice: ToolChoiceTypes | Dict[str, Dict[str, str] | str] = "auto",
    oai_tool_id2result: OrderedDict[str, str] | None = None,
    function_call: LLMFunctionCall | None = None,
    recipient: str = "",
) -> ChatDocument:
    """Template for user_response."""
    return self.response_template(


Whether the user can respond to a message.


Name Type Description Default
msg str | ChatDocument

the string to respond to.



Source code in langroid/agent/
def user_can_respond(self, msg: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None) -> bool:
    Whether the user can respond to a message.

        msg (str|ChatDocument): the string to respond to.


    # When msg explicitly addressed to user, this means an actual human response
    # is being sought.
    need_human_response = (
        isinstance(msg, ChatDocument) and msg.metadata.recipient == Entity.USER

    if not self.interactive and not need_human_response:
        return False

    return True

user_response_async(msg=None) async

Asynch version of user_response. See there for details.

Source code in langroid/agent/
async def user_response_async(
    msg: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None,
) -> Optional[ChatDocument]:
    Asynch version of `user_response`. See there for details.
    if not self.user_can_respond(msg):
        return None

    if self.default_human_response is not None:
        user_msg = self.default_human_response
        if (
            self.callbacks.get_user_response_async is not None
            and self.callbacks.get_user_response_async is not async_noop_fn
            user_msg = await self.callbacks.get_user_response_async(prompt="")
        elif self.callbacks.get_user_response is not None:
            user_msg = self.callbacks.get_user_response(prompt="")
            user_msg = Prompt.ask(
                + self.config.human_prompt
                + f"\n{self.indent}"

    return self._user_response_final(msg, user_msg)


Get user response to current message. Could allow (human) user to intervene with an actual answer, or quit using "q" or "x"


Name Type Description Default
msg str | ChatDocument

the string to respond to.



Type Description

(str) User response, packaged as a ChatDocument

Source code in langroid/agent/
def user_response(
    msg: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None,
) -> Optional[ChatDocument]:
    Get user response to current message. Could allow (human) user to intervene
    with an actual answer, or quit using "q" or "x"

        msg (str|ChatDocument): the string to respond to.

        (str) User response, packaged as a ChatDocument


    if not self.user_can_respond(msg):
        return None

    if self.default_human_response is not None:
        user_msg = self.default_human_response
        if self.callbacks.get_user_response is not None:
            # ask user with empty prompt: no need for prompt
            # since user has seen the conversation so far.
            # But non-empty prompt can be useful when Agent
            # uses a tool that requires user input, or in other scenarios.
            user_msg = self.callbacks.get_user_response(prompt="")
            user_msg = Prompt.ask(
                + self.config.human_prompt
                + f"\n{self.indent}"

    return self._user_response_final(msg, user_msg)


Whether the LLM can respond to a message. Args: message (str|ChatDocument): message or ChatDocument object to respond to.


Source code in langroid/agent/
def llm_can_respond(self, message: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None) -> bool:
    Whether the LLM can respond to a message.
        message (str|ChatDocument): message or ChatDocument object to respond to.


    if self.llm is None:
        return False

    if message is not None and len(self.try_get_tool_messages(message)) > 0:
        # if there is a valid "tool" message (either JSON or via `function_call`)
        # then LLM cannot respond to it
        return False

    return True


Whether the agent can respond to a message. Used in to skip a sub-task when we know it would not respond. Args: message (str|ChatDocument): message or ChatDocument object to respond to.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def can_respond(self, message: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None) -> bool:
    Whether the agent can respond to a message.
    Used in to skip a sub-task when we know it would not respond.
        message (str|ChatDocument): message or ChatDocument object to respond to.
    tools = self.try_get_tool_messages(message)
    if len(tools) == 0 and self.config.respond_tools_only:
        return False
    if message is not None and self.has_only_unhandled_tools(message):
        # The message has tools that are NOT enabled to be handled by this agent,
        # which means the agent cannot respond to it.
        return False
    return True

create_llm_response(content=None, content_any=None, tool_messages=[], oai_tool_calls=None, oai_tool_choice='auto', oai_tool_id2result=None, function_call=None, recipient='')

Template for llm_response.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def create_llm_response(
    content: str | None = None,
    content_any: Any = None,
    tool_messages: List[ToolMessage] = [],
    oai_tool_calls: None | List[OpenAIToolCall] = None,
    oai_tool_choice: ToolChoiceTypes | Dict[str, Dict[str, str] | str] = "auto",
    oai_tool_id2result: OrderedDict[str, str] | None = None,
    function_call: LLMFunctionCall | None = None,
    recipient: str = "",
) -> ChatDocument:
    """Template for llm_response."""
    return self.response_template(

llm_response_async(message=None) async

Asynch version of llm_response. See there for details.

Source code in langroid/agent/
async def llm_response_async(
    message: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None,
) -> Optional[ChatDocument]:
    Asynch version of `llm_response`. See there for details.
    if message is None or not self.llm_can_respond(message):
        return None

    if isinstance(message, ChatDocument):
        prompt = message.content
        prompt = message

    output_len = self.config.llm.model_max_output_tokens
    if self.num_tokens(prompt) + output_len > self.llm.completion_context_length():
        output_len = self.llm.completion_context_length() - self.num_tokens(prompt)
        if output_len < self.config.llm.min_output_tokens:
            raise ValueError(
            Token-length of Prompt + Output is longer than the
            completion context length of the LLM!
            Requested output length has been shortened to {output_len}
            so that the total length of Prompt + Output is less than
            the completion context length of the LLM.

    with StreamingIfAllowed(self.llm, self.llm.get_stream()):
        response = await self.llm.agenerate(prompt, output_len)

    if not self.llm.get_stream() or response.cached and not settings.quiet:
        # We would have already displayed the msg "live" ONLY if
        # streaming was enabled, AND we did not find a cached response.
        # If we are here, it means the response has not yet been displayed.
        cached = f"[red]{self.indent}(cached)[/red]" if response.cached else ""
        print(cached + "[green]" + escape(response.message))
    async with self.lock:
            chat=False,  # i.e. it's a completion model not chat model
            print_response_stats=self.config.show_stats and not settings.quiet,
    cdoc = ChatDocument.from_LLMResponse(response, displayed=True)
    # Preserve trail of tool_ids for OpenAI Assistant fn-calls
    cdoc.metadata.tool_ids = (
        [] if isinstance(message, str) else message.metadata.tool_ids
    return cdoc


LLM response to a prompt. Args: message (str|ChatDocument): prompt string, or ChatDocument object


Type Description

Response from LLM, packaged as a ChatDocument

Source code in langroid/agent/
def llm_response(
    message: Optional[str | ChatDocument] = None,
) -> Optional[ChatDocument]:
    LLM response to a prompt.
        message (str|ChatDocument): prompt string, or ChatDocument object

        Response from LLM, packaged as a ChatDocument
    if message is None or not self.llm_can_respond(message):
        return None

    if isinstance(message, ChatDocument):
        prompt = message.content
        prompt = message

    with ExitStack() as stack:  # for conditionally using rich spinner
        if not self.llm.get_stream():
            # show rich spinner only if not streaming!
            cm = status("LLM responding to message...")
        output_len = self.config.llm.model_max_output_tokens
        if (
            self.num_tokens(prompt) + output_len
            > self.llm.completion_context_length()
            output_len = self.llm.completion_context_length() - self.num_tokens(
            if output_len < self.config.llm.min_output_tokens:
                raise ValueError(
                Token-length of Prompt + Output is longer than the
                completion context length of the LLM!
                Requested output length has been shortened to {output_len}
                so that the total length of Prompt + Output is less than
                the completion context length of the LLM.
        if self.llm.get_stream() and not settings.quiet:
            console.print(f"[green]{self.indent}", end="")
        response = self.llm.generate(prompt, output_len)

    if not self.llm.get_stream() or response.cached and not settings.quiet:
        # we would have already displayed the msg "live" ONLY if
        # streaming was enabled, AND we did not find a cached response
        # If we are here, it means the response has not yet been displayed.
        cached = "[red](cached)[/red]" if response.cached else ""
        console.print(f"[green]{self.indent}", end="")
        print(cached + "[green]" + escape(response.message))
        chat=False,  # i.e. it's a completion model not chat model
        print_response_stats=self.config.show_stats and not settings.quiet,
    cdoc = ChatDocument.from_LLMResponse(response, displayed=True)
    # Preserve trail of tool_ids for OpenAI Assistant fn-calls
    cdoc.metadata.tool_ids = (
        [] if isinstance(message, str) else message.metadata.tool_ids
    return cdoc


Check whether msg contains a Tool/fn-call attempt (by the LLM).

CAUTION: This uses self.get_tool_messages(msg) which as a side-effect may update msg.tool_messages when msg is a ChatDocument, if there are any tools in msg.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def has_tool_message_attempt(self, msg: str | ChatDocument | None) -> bool:
    Check whether msg contains a Tool/fn-call attempt (by the LLM).

    CAUTION: This uses self.get_tool_messages(msg) which as a side-effect
    may update msg.tool_messages when msg is a ChatDocument, if there are
    any tools in msg.
    if msg is None:
        return False
    if isinstance(msg, ChatDocument):
        if len(msg.tool_messages) > 0:
            return True
        if msg.metadata.sender != Entity.LLM:
            return False
        tools = self.get_tool_messages(msg)
        return len(tools) > 0
    except (ValidationError, XMLException):
        # there is a tool/fn-call attempt but had a validation error,
        # so we still consider this a tool message "attempt"
        return True
    return False


Does the msg have at least one tool, and ALL tools are disabled for handling by this agent?

Source code in langroid/agent/
def has_only_unhandled_tools(self, msg: str | ChatDocument) -> bool:
    Does the msg have at least one tool, and ALL tools are
    disabled for handling by this agent?
    if msg is None:
        return False
    tools = self.try_get_tool_messages(msg, all_tools=True)
    if len(tools) == 0:
        return False
    return all(not self._tool_recipient_match(t) for t in tools)

get_tool_messages(msg, all_tools=False)

Get ToolMessages recognized in msg, handle-able by this agent. NOTE: as a side-effect, this will update msg.tool_messages when msg is a ChatDocument and msg contains tool messages. The intent here is that update=True should be set ONLY within agent_response() or agent_response_async() methods. In other words, we want to persist the msg.tool_messages only AFTER the agent has had a chance to handle the tools.


Name Type Description Default
msg str | ChatDocument

the message to extract tools from.

all_tools bool
  • if True, return all tools, i.e. any recognized tool in self.llm_tools_known, whether it is handled by this agent or not;
  • otherwise, return only the tools handled by this agent.


Type Description

List[ToolMessage]: list of ToolMessage objects

Source code in langroid/agent/
def get_tool_messages(
    msg: str | ChatDocument | None,
    all_tools: bool = False,
) -> List[ToolMessage]:
    Get ToolMessages recognized in msg, handle-able by this agent.
    NOTE: as a side-effect, this will update msg.tool_messages
    when msg is a ChatDocument and msg contains tool messages.
    The intent here is that update=True should be set ONLY within agent_response()
    or agent_response_async() methods. In other words, we want to persist the
    msg.tool_messages only AFTER the agent has had a chance to handle the tools.

        msg (str|ChatDocument): the message to extract tools from.
        all_tools (bool):
            - if True, return all tools,
                i.e. any recognized tool in self.llm_tools_known,
                whether it is handled by this agent or not;
            - otherwise, return only the tools handled by this agent.

        List[ToolMessage]: list of ToolMessage objects

    if msg is None:
        return []

    if isinstance(msg, str):
        json_tools = self.get_formatted_tool_messages(msg)
        if all_tools:
            return json_tools
            return [
                for t in json_tools
                if self._tool_recipient_match(t) and t.default_value("request")

    if all_tools and len(msg.all_tool_messages) > 0:
        # We've already identified all_tool_messages in the msg;
        # return the corresponding ToolMessage objects
        return msg.all_tool_messages
    if len(msg.tool_messages) > 0:
        # We've already found tool_messages,
        # (either via OpenAI Fn-call or Langroid-native ToolMessage);
        # or they were added by an agent_response.
        # note these could be from a forwarded msg from another agent,
        # so return ONLY the messages THIS agent to enabled to handle.
        if all_tools:
            return msg.tool_messages
        return [t for t in msg.tool_messages if self._tool_recipient_match(t)]
    assert isinstance(msg, ChatDocument)
    if (
        msg.content != ""
        and msg.oai_tool_calls is None
        and msg.function_call is None

        tools = self.get_formatted_tool_messages(
            msg.content, from_llm=msg.metadata.sender == Entity.LLM
        msg.all_tool_messages = tools
        # filter for actually handle-able tools, and recipient is this agent
        my_tools = [t for t in tools if self._tool_recipient_match(t)]
        msg.tool_messages = my_tools

        if all_tools:
            return tools
            return my_tools

    # otherwise, we look for `tool_calls` (possibly multiple)
    tools = self.get_oai_tool_calls_classes(msg)
    msg.all_tool_messages = tools
    my_tools = [t for t in tools if self._tool_recipient_match(t)]
    msg.tool_messages = my_tools

    if len(tools) == 0:
        # otherwise, we look for a `function_call`
        fun_call_cls = self.get_function_call_class(msg)
        tools = [fun_call_cls] if fun_call_cls is not None else []
        msg.all_tool_messages = tools
        my_tools = [t for t in tools if self._tool_recipient_match(t)]
        msg.tool_messages = my_tools
    if all_tools:
        return tools
        return my_tools

get_formatted_tool_messages(input_str, from_llm=True)

Returns ToolMessage objects (tools) corresponding to tool-formatted substrings, if any. ASSUMPTION - These tools are either ALL JSON-based, or ALL XML-based (i.e. not a mix of both). Terminology: a "formatted tool msg" is one which the LLM generates as part of its raw string output, rather than within a JSON object in the API response (i.e. this method does not extract tools/fns returned by OpenAI's tools/fns API or similar APIs).


Name Type Description Default
input_str str

input string, typically a message sent by an LLM

from_llm bool

whether the input was generated by the LLM. If so, we track malformed tool calls.



Type Description

List[ToolMessage]: list of ToolMessage objects

Source code in langroid/agent/
def get_formatted_tool_messages(
    self, input_str: str, from_llm: bool = True
) -> List[ToolMessage]:
    Returns ToolMessage objects (tools) corresponding to
    tool-formatted substrings, if any.
    ASSUMPTION - These tools are either ALL JSON-based, or ALL XML-based
    (i.e. not a mix of both).
    Terminology: a "formatted tool msg" is one which the LLM generates as
        part of its raw string output, rather than within a JSON object
        in the API response (i.e. this method does not extract tools/fns returned
        by OpenAI's tools/fns API or similar APIs).

        input_str (str): input string, typically a message sent by an LLM
        from_llm (bool): whether the input was generated by the LLM. If so,
            we track malformed tool calls.

        List[ToolMessage]: list of ToolMessage objects
    self.tool_error = False
    substrings = XMLToolMessage.find_candidates(input_str)
    is_json = False
    if len(substrings) == 0:
        substrings = extract_top_level_json(input_str)
        is_json = len(substrings) > 0
        if not is_json:
            return []

    results = [self._get_one_tool_message(j, is_json, from_llm) for j in substrings]
    valid_results = [r for r in results if r is not None]
    # If any tool is correctly formed we do not set the flag
    if len(valid_results) > 0:
        self.tool_error = False
    return valid_results


From ChatDocument (constructed from an LLM Response), get the ToolMessage corresponding to the function_call if it exists.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def get_function_call_class(self, msg: ChatDocument) -> Optional[ToolMessage]:
    From ChatDocument (constructed from an LLM Response), get the `ToolMessage`
    corresponding to the `function_call` if it exists.
    if msg.function_call is None:
        return None
    tool_name =
    tool_msg = msg.function_call.arguments or {}
    self.tool_error = False
    if tool_name not in self.llm_tools_handled:
            The function_call '{tool_name}' is not handled
            by the agent named '{}'!
            If you intended this agent to handle this function_call,
            either the fn-call name is incorrectly generated by the LLM,
            (in which case you may need to adjust your LLM instructions),
            or you need to enable this agent to handle this fn-call.
        if (
            tool_name not in self.all_llm_tools_known
            and msg.metadata.sender == Entity.LLM
            self.tool_error = True
        return None
    tool_class = self.llm_tools_map[tool_name]
    tool = tool_class.parse_obj(tool_msg)
    return tool


From ChatDocument (constructed from an LLM Response), get a list of ToolMessages corresponding to the tool_calls, if any.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def get_oai_tool_calls_classes(self, msg: ChatDocument) -> List[ToolMessage]:
    From ChatDocument (constructed from an LLM Response), get
     a list of ToolMessages corresponding to the `tool_calls`, if any.

    if msg.oai_tool_calls is None:
        return []
    tools = []
    all_errors = True
    for tc in msg.oai_tool_calls:
        if tc.function is None:
        tool_name =
        tool_msg = tc.function.arguments or {}
        if tool_name not in self.llm_tools_handled:
                The tool_call '{tool_name}' is not handled
                by the agent named '{}'!
                If you intended this agent to handle this function_call,
                either the fn-call name is incorrectly generated by the LLM,
                (in which case you may need to adjust your LLM instructions),
                or you need to enable this agent to handle this fn-call.
        all_errors = False
        tool_class = self.llm_tools_map[tool_name]
        tool = tool_class.parse_obj(tool_msg) = or ""
    # When no tool is valid and the message was produced
    # by the LLM, set the recovery flag
    self.tool_error = all_errors and msg.metadata.sender == Entity.LLM
    return tools


Handle a validation error raised when parsing a tool message, when there is a legit tool name used, but it has missing/bad fields. Args: tool (ToolMessage): The tool message that failed validation ve (ValidationError): The exception raised


Name Type Description
str str

The error message to send back to the LLM

Source code in langroid/agent/
def tool_validation_error(self, ve: ValidationError) -> str:
    Handle a validation error raised when parsing a tool message,
        when there is a legit tool name used, but it has missing/bad fields.
        tool (ToolMessage): The tool message that failed validation
        ve (ValidationError): The exception raised

        str: The error message to send back to the LLM
    tool_name = cast(ToolMessage, ve.model).default_value("request")
    bad_field_errors = "\n".join(
        [f"{e['loc']}: {e['msg']}" for e in ve.errors() if "loc" in e]
    return f"""
    There were one or more errors in your attempt to use the
    TOOL or function_call named '{tool_name}':
    Please write your message again, correcting the errors.

handle_message_async(msg) async

Asynch version of handle_message. See there for details.

Source code in langroid/agent/
async def handle_message_async(
    self, msg: str | ChatDocument
) -> None | str | OrderedDict[str, str] | ChatDocument:
    Asynch version of `handle_message`. See there for details.
        tools = self.get_tool_messages(msg)
        tools = [t for t in tools if self._tool_recipient_match(t)]
    except ValidationError as ve:
        # correct tool name but bad fields
        return self.tool_validation_error(ve)
    except XMLException as xe:  # from XMLToolMessage parsing
        return str(xe)
    except ValueError:
        # invalid tool name
        # We return None since returning "invalid tool name" would
        # be considered a valid result in task loop, and would be treated
        # as a response to the tool message even though the tool was not intended
        # for this agent.
        return None
    if len(tools) > 1 and not self.config.allow_multiple_tools:
        return self.to_ChatDocument("ERROR: Use ONE tool at a time!")
    if len(tools) == 0:
        fallback_result = self.handle_message_fallback(msg)
        if fallback_result is None:
            return None
        return self.to_ChatDocument(
            chat_doc=msg if isinstance(msg, ChatDocument) else None,
    chat_doc = msg if isinstance(msg, ChatDocument) else None

    results = self._get_multiple_orch_tool_errs(tools)
    if not results:
        results = [
            await self.handle_tool_message_async(t, chat_doc=chat_doc)
            for t in tools
        # if there's a solitary ChatDocument|str result, return it as is
        if len(results) == 1 and isinstance(results[0], (str, ChatDocument)):
            return results[0]

    return self._handle_message_final(tools, results)


Handle a "tool" message either a string containing one or more valid "tool" JSON substrings, or a ChatDocument containing a function_call attribute. Handle with the corresponding handler method, and return the results as a combined string.


Name Type Description Default
msg str | ChatDocument

The string or ChatDocument to handle



Type Description
None | str | OrderedDict[str, str] | ChatDocument

The result of the handler method can be: - None if no tools successfully handled, or no tools present - str if langroid-native JSON tools were handled, and results concatenated, OR there's a SINGLE OpenAI tool-call. (We do this so the common scenario of a single tool/fn-call has a simple behavior). - Dict[str, str] if multiple OpenAI tool-calls were handled (dict is an id->result map) - ChatDocument if a handler returned a ChatDocument, intended to be the final response of the agent_response method.

Source code in langroid/agent/
def handle_message(
    self, msg: str | ChatDocument
) -> None | str | OrderedDict[str, str] | ChatDocument:
    Handle a "tool" message either a string containing one or more
    valid "tool" JSON substrings,  or a
    ChatDocument containing a `function_call` attribute.
    Handle with the corresponding handler method, and return
    the results as a combined string.

        msg (str | ChatDocument): The string or ChatDocument to handle

        The result of the handler method can be:
         - None if no tools successfully handled, or no tools present
         - str if langroid-native JSON tools were handled, and results concatenated,
             OR there's a SINGLE OpenAI tool-call.
            (We do this so the common scenario of a single tool/fn-call
             has a simple behavior).
         - Dict[str, str] if multiple OpenAI tool-calls were handled
             (dict is an id->result map)
         - ChatDocument if a handler returned a ChatDocument, intended to be the
             final response of the `agent_response` method.
        tools = self.get_tool_messages(msg)
        tools = [t for t in tools if self._tool_recipient_match(t)]
    except ValidationError as ve:
        # correct tool name but bad fields
        return self.tool_validation_error(ve)
    except XMLException as xe:  # from XMLToolMessage parsing
        return str(xe)
    except ValueError:
        # invalid tool name
        # We return None since returning "invalid tool name" would
        # be considered a valid result in task loop, and would be treated
        # as a response to the tool message even though the tool was not intended
        # for this agent.
        return None
    if len(tools) == 0:
        fallback_result = self.handle_message_fallback(msg)
        if fallback_result is None:
            return None
        return self.to_ChatDocument(
            chat_doc=msg if isinstance(msg, ChatDocument) else None,

    results: List[str | ChatDocument | None] = []
    if len(tools) > 1 and not self.config.allow_multiple_tools:
        results = ["ERROR: Use ONE tool at a time!"] * len(tools)
    if not results:
        results = self._get_multiple_orch_tool_errs(tools)
    if not results:
        chat_doc = msg if isinstance(msg, ChatDocument) else None
        results = [self.handle_tool_message(t, chat_doc=chat_doc) for t in tools]
        # if there's a solitary ChatDocument|str result, return it as is
        if len(results) == 1 and isinstance(results[0], (str, ChatDocument)):
            return results[0]

    return self._handle_message_final(tools, results)


Fallback method for the "no-tools" scenario. This method can be overridden by subclasses, e.g., to create a "reminder" message when a tool is expected but the LLM "forgot" to generate one.


Name Type Description Default
msg str | ChatDocument

The input msg to handle


Returns: Any: The result of the handler method

Source code in langroid/agent/
def handle_message_fallback(self, msg: str | ChatDocument) -> Any:
    Fallback method for the "no-tools" scenario.
    This method can be overridden by subclasses, e.g.,
    to create a "reminder" message when a tool is expected but the LLM "forgot"
    to generate one.

        msg (str | ChatDocument): The input msg to handle
        Any: The result of the handler method
    return None

to_ChatDocument(msg, orig_tool_name=None, chat_doc=None, author_entity=Entity.AGENT)

Convert result of a responder (agent_response or llm_response, or, or tool handler, or handle_message_fallback, to a ChatDocument, to enable handling by other responders/tasks in a task loop possibly involving multiple agents.


Name Type Description Default
msg Any

The result of a responder or tool handler or

orig_tool_name str

The original tool name that generated the response, if any.

chat_doc ChatDocument

The original ChatDocument object that msg is a response to.

author_entity Entity

The intended author of the result ChatDocument

Source code in langroid/agent/
def to_ChatDocument(
    msg: Any,
    orig_tool_name: str | None = None,
    chat_doc: Optional[ChatDocument] = None,
    author_entity: Entity = Entity.AGENT,
) -> Optional[ChatDocument]:
    Convert result of a responder (agent_response or llm_response, or,
    or tool handler, or handle_message_fallback,
    to a ChatDocument, to enable handling by other
    responders/tasks in a task loop possibly involving multiple agents.

        msg (Any): The result of a responder or tool handler or
        orig_tool_name (str): The original tool name that generated the response,
            if any.
        chat_doc (ChatDocument): The original ChatDocument object that `msg`
            is a response to.
        author_entity (Entity): The intended author of the result ChatDocument
    if msg is None or isinstance(msg, ChatDocument):
        return msg

    is_agent_author = author_entity == Entity.AGENT

    if isinstance(msg, str):
        return self.response_template(author_entity, content=msg, content_any=msg)
    elif isinstance(msg, ToolMessage):
        # result is a ToolMessage, so...
        result_tool_name = msg.default_value("request")
        if (
            and result_tool_name in self.llm_tools_handled
            and (orig_tool_name is None or orig_tool_name != result_tool_name)
            # TODO: do we need to remove the tool message from the chat_doc?
            # if (chat_doc is not None and
            #     msg in chat_doc.tool_messages):
            #    chat_doc.tool_messages.remove(msg)
            # if we can handle it, do so
            result = self.handle_tool_message(msg, chat_doc=chat_doc)
            if result is not None and isinstance(result, ChatDocument):
                return result
            # else wrap it in an agent response and return it so
            # orchestrator can find a respondent
            return self.response_template(author_entity, tool_messages=[msg])
        result = to_string(msg)

    return (
        if result is None
        else self.response_template(author_entity, content=result, content_any=msg)

from_ChatDocument(msg, output_type)

Extract a desired output_type from a ChatDocument object. We use this fallback order: - if msg.content_any exists and matches the output_type, return it - if msg.content exists and output_type is str return it - if output_type is a ToolMessage, return the first tool in msg.tool_messages - if output_type is a list of ToolMessage, return all tools in msg.tool_messages - search for a tool in msg.tool_messages that has a field of output_type, and if found, return that field value - return None if all the above fail

Source code in langroid/agent/
def from_ChatDocument(self, msg: ChatDocument, output_type: Type[T]) -> Optional[T]:
    Extract a desired output_type from a ChatDocument object.
    We use this fallback order:
    - if `msg.content_any` exists and matches the output_type, return it
    - if `msg.content` exists and output_type is str return it
    - if output_type is a ToolMessage, return the first tool in `msg.tool_messages`
    - if output_type is a list of ToolMessage,
        return all tools in `msg.tool_messages`
    - search for a tool in `msg.tool_messages` that has a field of output_type,
         and if found, return that field value
    - return None if all the above fail
    content = msg.content
    if output_type is str and content != "":
        return cast(T, content)
    content_any = msg.content_any
    if content_any is not None and isinstance(content_any, output_type):
        return cast(T, content_any)

    tools = self.try_get_tool_messages(msg, all_tools=True)

    if get_origin(output_type) is list:
        list_element_type = get_args(output_type)[0]
        if issubclass(list_element_type, ToolMessage):
            # list_element_type is a subclass of ToolMessage:
            # We output a list of objects derived from list_element_type
            return cast(
                [t for t in tools if isinstance(t, list_element_type)],
    elif get_origin(output_type) is None and issubclass(output_type, ToolMessage):
        # output_type is a subclass of ToolMessage:
        # return the first tool that has this specific output_type
        for tool in tools:
            if isinstance(tool, output_type):
                return cast(T, tool)
        return None
    elif get_origin(output_type) is None and output_type in (str, int, float, bool):
        # attempt to get the output_type from the content,
        # if it's a primitive type
        primitive_value = from_string(content, output_type)  # type: ignore
        if primitive_value is not None:
            return cast(T, primitive_value)

    # then search for output_type as a field in a tool
    for tool in tools:
        value = tool.get_value_of_type(output_type)
        if value is not None:
            return cast(T, value)
    return None

handle_tool_message_async(tool, chat_doc=None) async

Asynch version of handle_tool_message. See there for details.

Source code in langroid/agent/
async def handle_tool_message_async(
    tool: ToolMessage,
    chat_doc: Optional[ChatDocument] = None,
) -> None | str | ChatDocument:
    Asynch version of `handle_tool_message`. See there for details.
    tool_name = tool.default_value("request")
    if hasattr(tool, "_handler"):
        handler_name = getattr(tool, "_handler", tool_name)
        handler_name = tool_name
    handler_method = getattr(self, handler_name + "_async", None)
    if handler_method is None:
        return self.handle_tool_message(tool, chat_doc=chat_doc)
    has_chat_doc_arg = (
        chat_doc is not None
        and "chat_doc" in inspect.signature(handler_method).parameters
        if has_chat_doc_arg:
            maybe_result = await handler_method(tool, chat_doc=chat_doc)
            maybe_result = await handler_method(tool)
        result = self.to_ChatDocument(maybe_result, tool_name, chat_doc)
    except Exception as e:
        # raise the error here since we are sure it's
        # not a pydantic validation error,
        # which we check in `handle_message`
        raise e
    return self._maybe_truncate_result(
        result, tool._max_result_tokens
    )  # type: ignore

handle_tool_message(tool, chat_doc=None)

Respond to a tool request from the LLM, in the form of an ToolMessage object. Args: tool: ToolMessage object representing the tool request. chat_doc: Optional ChatDocument object containing the tool request. This is passed to the tool-handler method only if it has a chat_doc argument.


Source code in langroid/agent/
def handle_tool_message(
    tool: ToolMessage,
    chat_doc: Optional[ChatDocument] = None,
) -> None | str | ChatDocument:
    Respond to a tool request from the LLM, in the form of an ToolMessage object.
        tool: ToolMessage object representing the tool request.
        chat_doc: Optional ChatDocument object containing the tool request.
            This is passed to the tool-handler method only if it has a `chat_doc`


    tool_name = tool.default_value("request")
    if hasattr(tool, "_handler"):
        handler_name = getattr(tool, "_handler", tool_name)
        handler_name = tool_name
    handler_method = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
    if handler_method is None:
        return None
    has_chat_doc_arg = (
        chat_doc is not None
        and "chat_doc" in inspect.signature(handler_method).parameters
        if has_chat_doc_arg:
            maybe_result = handler_method(tool, chat_doc=chat_doc)
            maybe_result = handler_method(tool)
        result = self.to_ChatDocument(maybe_result, tool_name, chat_doc)
    except Exception as e:
        # raise the error here since we are sure it's
        # not a pydantic validation error,
        # which we check in `handle_message`
        raise e
    return self._maybe_truncate_result(
        result, tool._max_result_tokens
    )  # type: ignore

update_token_usage(response, prompt, stream, chat=True, print_response_stats=True)

Updates response.usage obj (token usage and cost fields).the usage memebr It updates the cost after checking the cache and updates the tokens (prompts and completion) if the response stream is True, because OpenAI doesn't returns these fields.


Name Type Description Default
response LLMResponse

LLMResponse object

prompt str | List[LLMMessage]

prompt or list of LLMMessage objects

stream bool

whether to update the usage in the response object if the response is not cached.

chat bool

whether this is a chat model or a completion model

print_response_stats bool

whether to print the response stats

Source code in langroid/agent/
def update_token_usage(
    response: LLMResponse,
    prompt: str | List[LLMMessage],
    stream: bool,
    chat: bool = True,
    print_response_stats: bool = True,
) -> None:
    Updates `response.usage` obj (token usage and cost fields).the usage memebr
    It updates the cost after checking the cache and updates the
    tokens (prompts and completion) if the response stream is True, because OpenAI
    doesn't returns these fields.

        response (LLMResponse): LLMResponse object
        prompt (str | List[LLMMessage]): prompt or list of LLMMessage objects
        stream (bool): whether to update the usage in the response object
            if the response is not cached.
        chat (bool): whether this is a chat model or a completion model
        print_response_stats (bool): whether to print the response stats
    if response is None or self.llm is None:

    # Note: If response was not streamed, then
    # `response.usage` would already have been set by the API,
    # so we only need to update in the stream case.
    if stream:
        # usage, cost = 0 when response is from cache
        prompt_tokens = 0
        completion_tokens = 0
        cost = 0.0
        if not response.cached:
            prompt_tokens = self.num_tokens(prompt)
            completion_tokens = self.num_tokens(response.message)
            if response.function_call is not None:
                completion_tokens += self.num_tokens(str(response.function_call))
            cost = self.compute_token_cost(prompt_tokens, completion_tokens)
        response.usage = LLMTokenUsage(

    # update total counters
    if response.usage is not None:
        self.total_llm_token_cost += response.usage.cost
        self.total_llm_token_usage += response.usage.total_tokens
        chat_length = 1 if isinstance(prompt, str) else len(prompt)
        self.token_stats_str = self._get_response_stats(
            chat_length, self.total_llm_token_cost, response
        if print_response_stats:
            print(self.indent + self.token_stats_str)

ask_agent(agent, request, no_answer=NO_ANSWER, user_confirm=True)

Send a request to another agent, possibly after confirming with the user. This is not currently used, since we rely on the task loop and RecipientTool to address requests to other agents. It is generally best to avoid using this method.


Name Type Description Default
agent Agent

agent to ask

request str

request to send

no_answer str

expected response when agent does not know the answer

user_confirm bool

whether to gate the request with a human confirmation



Name Type Description
str Optional[str]

response from agent

Source code in langroid/agent/
def ask_agent(
    agent: "Agent",
    request: str,
    no_answer: str = NO_ANSWER,
    user_confirm: bool = True,
) -> Optional[str]:
    Send a request to another agent, possibly after confirming with the user.
    This is not currently used, since we rely on the task loop and
    `RecipientTool` to address requests to other agents. It is generally best to
    avoid using this method.

        agent (Agent): agent to ask
        request (str): request to send
        no_answer (str): expected response when agent does not know the answer
        user_confirm (bool): whether to gate the request with a human confirmation

        str: response from agent
    agent_type = type(agent).__name__
    if user_confirm:
        user_response = Prompt.ask(
            f"""[magenta]Here is the request or message:
            Should I forward this to {agent_type}?""",
            choices=["y", "n"],
        if user_response not in ["y", "yes"]:
            return None
    answer = agent.llm_response(request)
    if answer != no_answer:
        return (f"{agent_type} says: " + str(answer)).strip()
    return None