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Firecrawl and Trafilatura Crawlers Documentation

URLLoader uses Trafilatura if not explicitly specified


  • FirecrawlCrawler: Leverages the Firecrawl API for efficient web scraping and crawling. It offers built-in document processing capabilities. Requires FIRECRAWL_API_KEY environment variable to be set in .env file or environment.
  • TrafilaturaCrawler: Utilizes the Trafilatura library and Langroid's parsing tools for extracting and processing web content - this is the default crawler, and does not require setting up an external API key.
  • ExaCrawler: Integrates with the Exa API for high-quality content extraction. Requires EXA_API_KEY environment variable to be set in .env file or environment.


TrafilaturaCrawler comes with Langroid

To use FirecrawlCrawler, install the firecrawl extra:

pip install langroid[firecrawl]

Exa Crawler Documentation


ExaCrawler integrates with Exa API to extract high-quality content from web pages. It provides efficient content extraction with the simplicity of API-based processing.


Obtain an Exa API key from Exa and set it in your environment variables, e.g. in your .env file as:

  • config (ExaCrawlerConfig): An ExaCrawlerConfig object.
    • api_key (str): Your Exa API key.


from langroid.parsing.url_loader import URLLoader, ExaCrawlerConfig

# Create an ExaCrawlerConfig object
exa_config = ExaCrawlerConfig(
    # Typically omitted here as it's loaded from EXA_API_KEY environment variable

loader = URLLoader(

docs = loader.load()


  • Simple API integration requiring minimal configuration
  • High-quality content extraction with clean text output -- this is, however, plain text and not in markdown format like Firecrawl provides.
  • Efficient handling of complex web pages
  • No need for additional parsing as Exa handles document processing

Trafilatura Crawler Documentation


TrafilaturaCrawler is a web crawler that uses the Trafilatura library for content extraction and Langroid's parsing capabilities for further processing. This crawler is useful when you need more control over the parsing process and want to leverage Langroid's document processing tools.


  • config (TrafilaturaConfig): A TrafilaturaConfig object that defines how to process the extracted text.
    • threads (int): The number of threads to use for downloading web pages.


from langroid.parsing.url_loader import URLLoader, TrafilaturaConfig

# Create a TrafilaturaConfig instance
trafilatura_config = TrafilaturaConfig(threads=4)

loader = URLLoader(

docs = loader.load()

Langroid Parser Integration

TrafilaturaCrawler relies on a Langroid Parser to handle document processing. The Parser uses the default parsing methods or with a configuration that can be adjust to more suit the current use case.

Firecrawl Crawler Documentation


FirecrawlCrawler is a web crawling utility class that uses the Firecrawl API to scrape or crawl web pages efficiently. It offers two modes:

  • Scrape Mode (default): Extracts content from a list of specified URLs.
  • Crawl Mode: Recursively follows links from a starting URL, gathering content from multiple pages, including subdomains, while bypassing blockers.
    Note: crawl mode accepts only ONE URL as a list.


Obtain a Firecrawl API key from Firecrawl and set it in your environment variables, e.g. in your .env file as


  • config (FirecrawlConfig): A FirecrawlConfig object.

    • timeout (int, optional): Time in milliseconds (ms) to wait for a response. Default is 30000ms (30 seconds). In crawl mode, this applies per URL.
    • limit (int, optional): Maximum number of pages to scrape in crawl mode. Helps control API usage.
    • params (dict, optional): Additional parameters to customize the request. See the scrape API and crawl API for details.


Scrape Mode (Default)

Fetch content from multiple URLs:

from langroid.parsing.url_loader import URLLoader, FirecrawlConfig
from langroid.parsing.document_parser import 

# create a FirecrawlConfig object
firecrawl_config = FirecrawlConfig(
    # typical/best practice is to omit the api_key, and 
    # we leverage Pydantic BaseSettings to load it from the environment variable
    # FIRECRAWL_API_KEY in your .env file
    timeout=15000,  # Timeout per request (15 sec)

loader = URLLoader(

docs = loader.load()

Crawl Mode

Fetch content from multiple pages starting from a single URL:

from langroid.parsing.url_loader import URLLoader, FirecrawlConfig

# create a FirecrawlConfig object
firecrawl_config = FirecrawlConfig(
    timeout=30000,  # 10 sec per page
        "limit": 5,

loader = URLLoader(

docs = loader.load()


Results are stored in the firecrawl_output directory.

Best Practices

  • Set limit in crawl mode to avoid excessive API usage.
  • Adjust timeout based on network conditions and website responsiveness.
  • Use params to customize scraping behavior based on Firecrawl API capabilities.

Firecrawl's Built-In Document Processing

FirecrawlCrawler benefits from Firecrawl's built-in document processing, which automatically extracts and structures content from web pages (including pdf,doc,docx). This reduces the need for complex parsing logic within Langroid.

Choosing a Crawler

  • Use FirecrawlCrawler when you need efficient, API-driven scraping with built-in document processing. This is often the simplest and most effective choice.
  • Use TrafilaturaCrawler when you want local non API based scraping (less accurate ) .

Example script

See the script examples/docqa/ which shows how to use a Langroid agent to search the web and scrape URLs to answer questions.