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Using marker as a PDF Parser in langroid


Standard Installation

To use marker as a PDF parser in langroid, install it with the marker-pdf extra:

pip install langroid[marker-pdf]
or in combination with other extras as needed, e.g.:
pip install "langroid[marker-pdf,hf-embeddings]"

Note, however, that due to an incompatibility with docling, if you install langroid using the all extra (or another extra such as doc-chat or pdf-parsers that also includes docling), e.g. pip install "langroid[all]", or pip install "langroid[doc-chat]", then due to this version-incompatibility with docling, you will get an older version of marker-pdf, which does not work with Langroid. This may not matter if you did not intend to specifically use marker, but if you do want to use marker, you will need to install langroid with the marker-pdf extra, as shown above, in combination with other extras as needed, as shown above.

For Intel-Mac Users

If you are on an Intel Mac, docling and marker cannot be installed together with langroid as extras, due to a transformers version conflict.
To resolve this, manually install marker-pdf with:

pip install marker-pdf[full]

Make sure to install this within your langroid virtual environment.

Example: Parsing a PDF with marker in langroid

from langroid.parsing.document_parser import DocumentParser
from langroid.parsing.parser import MarkerConfig, ParsingConfig, PdfParsingConfig
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os

# Load environment variables
gemini_api_key = os.environ.get("GEMINI_API_KEY")

# Path to your PDF file
path = "<path_to_your_pdf_file>"

# Define parsing configuration
parsing_config = ParsingConfig(
    n_neighbor_ids=2,  # Number of neighboring sections to keep
        library="marker",  # Use `marker` as the PDF parsing library
                "use_llm": True,  # Enable high-quality LLM processing
                "gemini_api_key": gemini_api_key,  # API key for Gemini LLM

# Create the parser and extract the document
marker_parser = DocumentParser.create(path, parsing_config)
doc = marker_parser.get_doc()

Explanation of Configuration Options

If you want to use the default configuration, you can omit marker_config entirely.

Key Parameters in MarkerConfig

Parameter Description
use_llm Set to True to enable higher-quality processing using LLMs.
gemini_api_key Google Gemini API key for LLM-enhanced parsing.

You can further customize config_dict by referring to marker_pdf's documentation.

Alternatively, run the following command to view available options:

marker_single --help

This will display all supported parameters, which you can pass as needed in config_dict.