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Handling a non-tool LLM message

A common scenario is to define a ChatAgent, enable it to use some tools (i.e. ToolMessagess), wrap it in a Task, and call, e.g.

class MyTool(lr.ToolMessage)

import langroid as lr
config = lr.ChatAgentConfig(...)
agent = lr.ChatAgent(config)
task = lr.Task(agent, interactive=False)"Hello")

Consider what happens when you invoke When the agent's llm_response returns a valid tool-call, the sequence of steps looks like this:

  • llm_response -> tool \(T\)
  • aggent_response handles \(T\) -> returns results \(R\)
  • llm_response responds to \(R\) -> returns msg \(M\)
  • and so on

If the LLM's response M contains a valid tool, then this cycle continues with another tool-handling round. However, if the LLM's response M does not contain a tool-call, it is unclear whether:

  • (1) the LLM "forgot" to generate a tool (or generated it wrongly, hence it was not recognized by Langroid as a tool), or
  • (2) the LLM's response M is an "answer" meant to be shown to the user to continue the conversation, or
  • (3) the LLM's response M is intended to be a "final" response, ending the task.

Internally, when the ChatAgent's agent_response method sees a message that does not contain a tool, it invokes the handle_message_fallback method, which by default does nothing (returns None). However you can override this method by deriving from ChatAgent, as described in this FAQ. As in that FAQ, in this fallback method, you would typically have code that checks whether the message is a ChatDocument and whether it came from the LLM, and if so, you would have the method return an appropriate message or tool (e.g. a reminder to the LLM, or an orchestration tool such as AgentDoneTool).

To simplify the developer experience, as of version 0.39.2 Langroid also provides an easier way to specify what this fallback method should return, via the ChatAgentConfig.handle_llm_no_tool parameter, which can be set to one of the following possible values:

  • A special value from the NonToolAction Enum, e.g.:
    • "user" or NonToolAction.USER - this is interpreted by langroid to return ForwardTool(agent="user"), meaning the message is passed to the user to await their next input.
    • "done" or NonToolAction.DONE - this is interpreted by langroid to return AgentDoneTool(content=msg.content, tools=msg.tool_messages), meaning the task is ended, and any content and tools in the current message will appear in the returned ChatDocument.
  • Any ToolMessage (typically an Orchestration tool like AgentDoneTool or ResultTool)
  • Any string, meant to be handled by the LLM. Typically this would be a reminder to the LLM, something like:
    """Your intent is not clear -- 
    - if you forgot to use a Tool such as `ask_tool` or `search_tool`, try again.
    - or if you intended to return your final answer, use the Tool named `done_tool`,
      with `content` set to your answer.

A simple example is in the script, and in the test_handle_llm_no_tool test in