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MALADE: Multi-Agent Architecture for Pharmacovigilance

Published in ML for HealthCare 2024




We introduce MALADE (Multiple Agents powered by LLMs for ADE Extraction), a multi-agent system for Pharmacovigilance. It is the first effective explainable multi-agent LLM system for extracting Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) from FDA drug labels and drug prescription data.

Given a drug category and an adverse outcome, MALADE produces:

  • a qualitative label of risk (increase, decrease or no-effect),
  • confidence in the label (a number in \([0,1]\)),
  • frequency of effect (rare, common, or none),
  • strength of evidence (none, weak, or strong), and
  • a justification with citations.

This task is challenging for several reasons:

  • FDA labels and prescriptions are for individual drugs, not drug categories, so representative drugs in a category need to be identified from patient prescription data, and ADE information found for specific drugs in a category needs to be aggregated to make a statement about the category as a whole,
  • The data is noisy, with variations in the terminologies of drugs and outcomes, and
  • ADE descriptions are often buried in large amounts of narrative text.

The MALADE architecture is LLM-agnostic and leverages the Langroid multi-agent framework. It consists of a combination of Agents using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), that iteratively improve their answers based on feedback from Critic Agents. We evaluate the quantitative scores against a ground-truth dataset known as the OMOP Ground Truth Task and find that MALADE achieves state-of-the-art performance.


In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), given their remarkable text understanding and generation abilities, there is an unprecedented opportunity to develop new, LLM-based methods for trustworthy medical knowledge synthesis, extraction and summarization. The focus of this paper is Pharmacovigilance, a critical task in healthcare, where the goal is to monitor and evaluate the safety of drugs. In particular, the identification of Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) is crucial for ensuring patient safety. Consider a question such as this:

What is the effect of ACE inhibitors on the risk of developing angioedema?

Here the drug category \(C\) is ACE inhibitors, and the outcome \(O\) is angioedema. Answering this question involves several steps:

  • 1(a): Find all drugs in the ACE inhibitor category \(C\), e.g. by searching the FDA National Drug Code (NDC) database. This can be done using Elastic-Search, with filters to handle variations in drug/category names and inaccurate classifications.
  • 1(b): Find the prescription frequency of each drug in \(C\) from patient prescription data, e.g. the MIMIC-IV database. This can be done with a SQL query.
  • 1(c): Identify the representative drugs \(D \subset C\) in this category, based on prescription frequency data from step 2.
  • 2: For each drug \(d \in D\), summarize ADE information about the effect of \(d\) on the outcome \(O\) of interest, (in this case angioedema) from text-based pharmaceutical sources, e.g. the OpenFDA Drug Label database.
  • 3: Aggregate the information from all drugs in \(D\) to make a statement about the category \(C\) as a whole.

The role of LLMs

While steps 1(a) and 1(b) can be done by straightforward deterministic algorithms (SQL queries or Elastic-Search), the remaining steps are challenging but ideally suited to LLMs:

Step 1(c): Identifying representative drugs in a category from prescription frequency data (DrugFinder Agent)

This is complicated by noise, such as the same drug appearing multiple times under different names, formulations or delivery methods (For example, the ACE inhibitor Lisinopril is also known as Zestril and Prinivil.) Thus a judgment must be made as to whether these are sufficiently different to be considered pharmacologically distinct; and some of these drugs may not actually belong to the category. This task thus requires a grouping operation, related to the task of identifying standardized drug codes from text descriptions, well known to be challenging. This makes it very difficult to explicitly define the algorithm in a deterministic manner that covers all edge cases (unlike the above database tasks), and hence is well-suited to LLMs, particularly those such as GPT-4, Claude3.5, and similar-strength variants which are known to have been trained on vast amounts of general medical texts.

In MALADE, this task is handled by the DrugFinder agent, which is an Agent/Critic system where the main agent iteratively improves its output in a feedback loop with the Critic agent. For example, the Critic corrects the Agent when it incorrectly classifies drugs as pharmacologically distinct.

Step 2: Identifying Drug-Outcome Associations (DrugOutcomeInfoAgent)

The task here is to identify whether a given drug has an established effect on the risk of a given outcome, based on FDA drug label database, and output a summary of relevant information, including the level of identified risk and the evidence for such an effect. Since this task involves extracting information from narrative text, it is well-suited to LLMs using the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technique.

In MALADE, the DrugOutcomeInfoAgent handles this task, and is also an Agent/Critic system, where the Critic provides feedback and corrections to the Agent's output. This agent does not have direct access to the FDA Drug Label data, but can receive this information via another agent, FDAHandler. FDAHandler is equipped with tools (also known as function-calls) to invoke the OpenFDA API for drug label data, and answers questions in the context of information retrieved based on the queries. Information received from this API is ingested into a vector database, so the agent first uses a tool to query this vector database, and only resorts to the OpenFDA API tool if the vector database does not contain the relevant information. An important aspect of this agent is that its responses include specific citations and excerpts justifying its conclusions.

Step 3: Labeling Drug Category-Outcome Associations (CategoryOutcomeRiskAgent)

To identify association between a drug category C and an adverse health outcome \(O\), we concurrently run a batch of queries to copies of DrugOutcomeInfoAgent, one for each drug \(d\) in the representative-list \(D\) for the category, of the form:

Does drug \(d\) increase or decrease the risk of condition \(O\)?

The results are sent to CategoryOutcomeRiskAgent, which is an Agent/Critic system which performs the final classification step; its goal is to generate the qualitative and quantitative outputs mentioned above.

MALADE Architecture

The figure below illustrates how the MALADE architecture handles the query,

What is the effect of ACE inhibitors on the risk of developing angioedema?


The query triggers a sequence of subtasks performed by the three Agents described above: DrugFinder, DrugOutcomeInfoAgent, and CategoryOutcomeRiskAgent. Each Agent generates a response and justification, which are validated by a corresponding Critic agent, whose feedback is used by the Agent to revise its response.


OMOP Ground Truth

We evaluate the results of MALADE against a well-established ground-truth dataset, the OMOP ADE ground-truth table, shown below. This is a reference dataset within the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model that contains validated information about known adverse drug events.


Confusion Matrix

Below is a side-by-side comparison of this ground-truth dataset (left) with MALADE's labels (right), ignoring blue cells (see the paper for details):


The resulting confusion-matrix for MALADE is shown below:


AUC Metric

Since MALADE produces qualitative and quantitative outputs, the paper explores a variety of ways to evaluate its performance against the OMOP ground-truth dataset. Here we focus on the label output \(L\) (i.e. increase, decrease, or no-effect), and its associated confidence score \(c\), and use the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) as the evaluation metric. The AUC metric is designed for binary classification, so we transform the three-class label output \(L\) and confidence score \(c\) to a binary classification score \(p\) as follows. We treat \(L\) = increase as the positive class, and \(L\) = decrease or no-effect as the negative class, and we transform the label confidence score \(c\) into a probability \(p\) of increase as follows:

  • if the label output is increase, \(p = (2+c)/3\),
  • if the label output is no-effect, \(p = (2-c)/3\), and
  • if the label output is decrease , \(p = (1-c)/3\).

These transformations align with two intuitions: (a) a higher confidence in increase corresponds to a higher probability of increase, and a higher confidence in no-effect or decrease corresponds to a lower probability of increase, and (b) for a given confidence score \(c\), the progression of labels decrease, no-effect, and increase corresponds to increasing probabilities of increase. The above transformations ensure that the probability \(p\) is in the range \([0,1]\) and scales linearly with the confidence score \(c\).

We ran the full MALADE system for all drug-category/outcome pairs in the OMOP ground-truth dataset, and then computed the AUC for the score \(p\) against the ground-truth binary classification label. With GPT-4-Turbo we obtained an AUC of 0.85, while GPT-4o resulted in an AUC of 0.90. These are state-of-the-art results for this specific ADE-extraction task.


An important question the paper investigates is whether (and how much) the various components (RAG, critic agents, etc) contribute to MALADE's performance. To answer this, we perform ablations, where we remove one or more components from the MALADE system and evaluate the performance of the resulting system. For example we found that dropping the Critic agents reduces the AUC (using GPT-4-Turbo) from 0.85 to 0.82 (see paper, Appendix D for more ablation results).

Variance of LLM-generated Scores

When using an LLM to generate numerical scores, it is important to understand the variance in the scores. For example, if a single "full" run of MALADE (i.e. for all drug-category/outcome pairs in the OMOP ground-truth dataset) produces a certain AUC, was it a "lucky" run, or is the AUC relatively stable across runs? Ideally one would investigate this by repeating the full run of MALADE many times,
but given the expense of running a full experiment, we focus on just three representative cells in the OMOP table, one corresponding to each possible ground-truth label, and run MALADE 10 times for each cells, and study the distribution of \(p\) (the probability of increased risk, translated from the confidence score using the method described above), for each output label. Encouragingly, we find that the distribution of \(p\) shows clear separation between the three labels, as in the figure below (The \(x\) axis ranges from 0 to 1, and the three colored groups of bars represent, from left to right, decrease, no-effect, and increase labels). Full details are in the Appendix D of the paper.

