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Language Models: Completion and Chat-Completion

Transformer-based language models are fundamentally next-token predictors, so naturally all LLM APIs today at least provide a completion endpoint. If an LLM is a next-token predictor, how could it possibly be used to generate a response to a question or instruction, or to engage in a conversation with a human user? This is where the idea of "chat-completion" comes in. This post is a refresher on the distinction between completion and chat-completion, and some interesting details on how chat-completion is implemented in practice.

Language Models as Next-token Predictors

A Language Model is essentially a "next-token prediction" model, and so all LLMs today provide a "completion" endpoint, typically something like: /completions under the base URL.

The endpoint simply takes a prompt and returns a completion (i.e. a continuation).

A typical prompt sent to a completion endpoint might look like this:

The capital of Belgium is 
and the LLM will return a completion like this:
OpenAI's GPT3 is an example of a pure completion LLM. But interacting with a completion LLM is not very natural or useful: you cannot give instructions or ask questions; instead you would always need to formulate your input as a prompt whose natural continuation is your desired output. For example, if you wanted the LLM to highlight all proper nouns in a sentence, you would format it as the following prompt:

Chat-To-Prompt Example: Chat/Instruction converted to a completion prompt.

User: here is a sentence, the Assistant's task is to identify all proper nouns.
     Jack lives in Bosnia, and Jill lives in Belgium.
The natural continuation of this prompt would be a response listing the proper nouns, something like:
John, Bosnia, Jill, Belgium are all proper nouns.

This seems sensible in theory, but a "base" LLM that performs well on completions may not perform well on these kinds of prompts. The reason is that during its training, it may not have been exposed to very many examples of this type of prompt-response pair. So how can an LLM be improved to perform well on these kinds of prompts?

Instruction-tuned, Aligned LLMs

This brings us to the heart of the innovation behind the wildly popular ChatGPT: it uses an enhancement of GPT3 that (besides having a lot more parameters), was explicitly fine-tuned on instructions (and dialogs more generally) -- this is referred to as instruction-fine-tuning or IFT for short. In addition to fine-tuning instructions/dialogs, the models behind ChatGPT (i.e., GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4) are further tuned to produce responses that align with human preferences (i.e. produce responses that are more helpful and safe), using a procedure called Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). See this OpenAI InstructGPT Paper for details on these techniques and references to the original papers that introduced these ideas. Another recommended read is Sebastian Raschka's post on RLHF and related techniques.

For convenience, we refer to the combination of IFT and RLHF as chat-tuning. A chat-tuned LLM can be expected to perform well on prompts such as the one in the Chat-To-Prompt Example above. These types of prompts are still unnatural, however, so as a convenience, chat-tuned LLM API servers also provide a "chat-completion" endpoint (typically /chat/completions under the base URL), which allows the user to interact with them in a natural dialog, which might look like this (the portions in square brackets are indicators of who is generating the text):

[User] What is the capital of Belgium?
[Assistant] The capital of Belgium is Brussels.
[User] In the text below, find all proper nouns:
    Jack lives in Bosnia, and Jill lives in Belgium.
[Assistant] John, Bosnia, Jill, Belgium are all proper nouns.
[User] Where does John live?
[Assistant] John lives in Bosnia.

Chat Completion Endpoints: under the hood

How could this work, given that LLMs are fundamentally next-token predictors? This is a convenience provided by the LLM API service (e.g. from OpenAI or local model server libraries): when a user invokes the chat-completion endpoint (typically at /chat/completions under the base URL), under the hood, the server converts the instructions and multi-turn chat history into a single string, with annotations indicating user and assistant turns, and ending with something like "Assistant:" as in the Chat-To-Prompt Example above.

Now the subtle detail to note here is this:

It matters how the dialog (instructions plus chat history) is converted into a single prompt string. Converting to a single prompt by simply concatenating the instructions and chat history using an "intuitive" format (e.g. indicating user, assistant turns using "User", "Assistant:", etc.) can work, however most local LLMs are trained on a specific prompt format. So if we format chats in a different way, we may get odd/inferior results.

Converting Chats to Prompts: Formatting Rules

For example, the llama2 models are trained on a format where the user's input is bracketed within special strings [INST] and [/INST]. There are other requirements that we don't go into here, but interested readers can refer to these links:

A dialog fed to a Llama2 model in its expected prompt format would look like this:

<s>[INST] <<SYS>>
You are a helpful assistant.

Hi there! 
Hello! How can I help you today? </s>
<s>[INST] In the text below, find all proper nouns:
    Jack lives in Bosnia, and Jill lives in Belgium.
John, Bosnia, Jill, Belgium are all proper nouns. </s><s> 
[INST] Where does Jack live? [/INST] 
Jack lives in Bosnia. </s><s>
[INST] And Jill? [/INST]
Jill lives in Belgium. </s><s>
[INST] Which are its neighboring countries? [/INST]

This means that if an LLM server library wants to provide a chat-completion endpoint for a local model, it needs to provide a way to convert chat history to a single prompt using the specific formatting rules of the model. For example the oobabooga/text-generation-webui library has an extensive set of chat formatting templates for a variety of models, and their model server auto-detects the format template from the model name.

Chat completion model names: look for 'chat' or 'instruct' in the name

You can search for a variety of models on the HuggingFace model hub. For example if you see a name Llama-2-70B-chat-GGUF you know it is chat-tuned. Another example of a chat-tuned model is Llama-2-7B-32K-Instruct

A user of these local LLM server libraries thus has two options when using a local model in chat mode:

  • use the chat-completion endpoint, and let the underlying library handle the chat-to-prompt formatting, or
  • first format the chat history according to the model's requirements, and then use the completion endpoint

Using Local Models in Langroid

Local models can be used in Langroid by defining a LocalModelConfig object. More details are in this tutorial, but here we briefly discuss prompt-formatting in this context. Langroid provides a built-in formatter for LLama2 models, so users looking to use llama2 models with langroid can try either of these options, by setting the use_completion_for_chat flag in the LocalModelConfig object (See the local-LLM tutorial for details).

When this flag is set to True, the chat history is formatted using the built-in Langroid llama2 formatter and the completion endpoint are used. When the flag is set to False, the chat history is sent directly to the chat-completion endpoint, which internally converts the chat history to a prompt in the expected llama2 format.

For local models other than Llama2, users can either:

  • write their own formatters by writing a class similar to Llama2Formatter and then setting the use_completion_for_chat flag to True in the LocalModelConfig object, or
  • use an LLM server library (such as the oobabooga library mentioned above) that provides a chat-completion endpoint, and converts chats to single prompts under the hood, and set the use_completion_for_chat flag to False in the LocalModelConfig object.

You can use a similar approach if you are using an LLM application framework other than Langroid.
